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Deposit Reports - Alphabetical Order

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Deposit Reports - Alphabetical Order

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This help manual documents all afterhours customer reports available for the Deposit system at GOLDPoint Systems.


See Also:

For more information on how to view these reports, see GOLDView in CIM GOLD.

For more information on custom-made reports for your institution, see the following manuals:




All Deposit reports are listed here in alphabetical order of report name (for example, the Account Analysis Statement Report is listed before the Bank Balancing Report, etc). To view this list in numerical order by report number order, see Deposit Reports - Numerical Order. Click a report name for more information about the report.


1099I Alpha Listing By Office or Institution (FPSDR150-3)

1099I Customer Information Report (FPSDR150-1)

1099I Exception Report (FPSDR151)

1099I Numeric Listing (FPSDR150-5)

1099I Social Security Address Report (FPSDR150-4)

1099I Social Security Report (FPSDR150-2)

1099Q Detail Report/Forms (FPSDR154)

1099R Detail Report (FPSDR152-1)

1099R Summary Report (FPSDR152-2)

1099-SA Detail Report/Forms (FPSDR103)

$80,000 or $100,000 and Over Report (FPSDR066)

$80,000 and Over Report Single Account (FPSDR110)

A/P Check/ACH OFAC Match & Suspect Report (FPSDR334)

A/P Vendor File OFAC Match & Suspect Report (FPSDR335)

Account Analysis Statement Report (FPSDR092)

Account Analysis Statements (FPSDR089)

Account Analysis Statements (FPSDR198)

Account Reclassification Report (FPSDR123)

Account Update Report (FPSDR003)

Accounts Closed Tonight (FPSDR020)

Accounts Out of Balance with History Report (FPSDR023)

ACH Remittance Information Report (FPSDR138)

ACH Return and Notification of Change Items (FPSDR043)

ACH Stop Payment Audit Report (FPSDR072)

Activity Tracking Report (FPSDR191)

ATM Cutoff Posting Journal (FPSDR119)

ATM TLOG Cutoff Report (FPSDR146)

At-Risk Transactions Report (FPSDR171)

Auditor Confirmation Notices and Report (FPSDR086)

Automated Entry Register (FPSDR002)

BAI File Creation Program (FPSDR179)

Bank Balancing Report (FPSDR026)

Bank POD Teller Journal (FPSDR196)

Bank Proof Checks Report (FPSDR005)

Bankers System IRA Activity Report and Tape (FPSDR094)

Birthday Report (FPSDR173)

Business Banking Tracking Report (FPSDR180)

Card File Maintenance Report (FPSDR182)

Card Management Expiring Cards Report (FPSDR090)

Card Management Summary (FPSDR004)

Cash Letter Reconciliation (FPSDR148)

CD Rate and Term Schedule Report (FPSDR111)

Check Image Exception Report (FPSDR087)

Check Kiting Suspect Report (FPSDR095)

Check Number Zero Report (FPSDR149)

Check Reconciliation Report (FPSDR178)

Check Reconciliation OFAC Match and Suspect Report (FPSDR216)

Churn Report (FPSDR109)

CIF Address Cleanup Report (FPSDR108)

CIF Batch Assignments Report (FPSDR088)

CIF Certification Report (FPSDR140)

CIF Exception Report (FPSDR085)

CIF File Maintenance Journal Report (FPSDR084)

CIF Name Cleanup Report (FPSDR107)

CIF Secondary Address Report (FPSSECAD)

CIF Transfer File (FPSDR181)

Cleared Check File PC Download (FPSDR164)

Closed Account Journal (FPSDR052)

Closed and Non-zero Status Cards Report (FPSDR168)

Combined Debenture Certificate Statements (FPSDR184)

Consolidated Maturity/Rate (CMR) Report (FPSDR071)

Consolidated OFAC Report (FPSDR338)

Credit Card Advance/Payment Listing (FPSDR007)

Credit History Report (FPSDR046)

Critical File Maintenance Report (FPSDR172)

Currency Transaction Report (FPSDR163)

Customer Directed Transfer Account Record (FPSDR069)

Customer Directed Transfer (CDT) Check Drafts For Bill Payment (FPSDR143)

Customer Directed Transfer (CDT) Check Register (FPSDR068)

Customer Directed Transfers (CDT) Report (FPSDR040)

Customer Directed Transfers (CDT) Transaction Report (FPSDR070)

Daily ACH OFAC Match and Suspect Report (FPSDR213)

Daily and Yearly Statistics Report for Deposits (FPSDR186)

Daily Auditor Report (FPSDR083)

Daily Deposit Accrued Interest Download (FPSDR192)

Daily Institution Balancing Report (FPSDR195)

Daily Office Balancing Report (FPSDR194)

Delinquent Non-Custodial Parent Report (FPSDR137)

Deposit Account Statements (FPSDR199)

Deposit Call Reports (FPSDR235)

Earnings Check Register (FPSDR014)

Earnings Posting Report (FPSDR028)

Education Retirement 5498-ESA Report/Forms April Reporting (FPSDR098)

Education Retirement 5498-ESA Report/Forms Year-End Reporting (FPSDR185)

Employee/Officer Code Reject Handler Reports (FPSDR132)

Error and Exception List (FPSDR105)

Escheatment Notices (FPSDR073)

Escheatment Notices Report (FPSDR074)

Event Letter Generation Report (FPSDR500)

Exception Items Report (FPSDR096)

Excessive Negative Balance Fee Report (FPSDR229)

Executive Information Summary Report for Deposits (FPSDR166)

FDIC Insured Public Funds Report (FPSDR183)

Fifty-Nine and One-Half Report (FPSDR064)

File Activity Balancing Report (FPSDR019)

File Maintenance Journal/New Account Audit Report (FPSDR015)

Fiserv 5498 File Creation Program (FPSDR097)

Foreign Exchange Transaction Report (FPSDR093)

FPS/ATM Matching Report (FPSDR130)

FTI or Harland Tape Creation Program (FPSDR131)

General Ledger Autopost Error List (FPSDR013)

General Ledger Autopost Recap (FPSDR016)

General Ledger Autopost Resolution Detail (FPSDR205)

General Ledger Autopost Summary (FPSDR017)

General Ledger Clearing Account Balancing Report (FPSDR075)

General Ledger File Balancing Report (FPSDR076)

General Ledger Miscellaneous Transaction Journal (FPSDR018)

GL File Balancing Report Detail - Differences Only (FPSDR276)

GL File Balancing Report Summary - Differences Only (FPSDR277)

GOLDPhone Transaction Report (FPSDR117)

HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare+Choice MSA 5498-SA (April) Report and Forms (FPSDR101)

HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare+Choice MSA 5498-SA (Year-end) Report and Forms (FPSDR104)

History Pre-Drop Report (FPSDR124)

History Pre-Drop Report (FPSDR077)

Hold Report (FPSDR031)

Hold/User Field Report (FPSDR102)

Inactive Accounts Report (FPSDR157)

Inactive/Dormant Accounts (FPSDR048)

Interest Accrual (FPSDR009)

Interest Notice Report (FPSDR116)

Interest Notices (FPSDR091)

Interest Rate Rolling Report (FPSDR053)

Internal History File Maintenance Report (FPSDR045) (GOLDPoint Systems Only)

International ACH Transaction (IAT) Report (FPSDR217)

IRS Information Returns System Report (FPSDR029)

Large Journal Transaction Report (FPSDR081)

Large Transaction Journal (Cash) (FPSDR010)

Large Transaction Journal (Check) (FPSDR080)

Lincoln Retirement Reporting CD (FPSDR5898T)

Management Summary Report (FPSDR021)

Marquis File Creation Program (FPSDR159)

MasterCard/iPay Transmission Report (FPSDR158)

MasterCard RPPS File Creation Program (FPSDR333)

Maturity Notices Report (FPSDR039)

Maturity Notices (FPSDR001)

Money Market/Savings Limit Exception Report (FPSDR120)

Monthend Withholding Report (FPSDR063)

Monthly Cash Activity Report (FPSDR206)

Multiple Use Deposit Report (FPSDR145)

Accounts Payable ACH Sent Report (FPSAPACH)

Accounts Payable Check Reconciliation Report (FPSAPCR1)

Accounts Payable File Maintenance Journal (NPFMJNL)

Afterhours General Ledger Standard Reports (WHKSELGL)

ATM/Daily Comparative Totals Report (FPATMCMP)

Deposit Statement Report (FPSAH83D non-imaged, FPSAH83I imaged)

Equifax Beacon Score Report (FPSEQFBS)

Equifax Pre-Beacon Score Tape Report (FPSTEQFX)

Fixed Asset File Maintenance Journal (FAFMJNL)

General Ledger File Maintenance Journal (WHKFMJNL)

General Ledger Sweeps Report (GLSWEEPS)

Payroll File Maintenance Journal (PRFMJNL)

Reissue for Cards Expiring Report (FPDATPRE)

Statement Processing Error List (FPSAH80)

Weekly Issue/Replace Cards Report (FPDATPRO)

Name and Address Information Report (FPSDR049)

Negative Balance Accounts Report (FPSDR022)

Next Day Bill Pay Payee OFAC Match and Suspect Report (FPSDR226)

Notification of Automatic Trans - Reg E Report/Notices (FPSDR060)

OFAC CIF Comparison Report (FPSDR169)

OFAC Dealer Comparison Report (FPSDR269)

Opened Account Journal (FPSDR050)

Out of Balance Report (FPSDR998) (GOLDPoint Systems only)

Outbound ACH Report (FPSDR147)

Overdraft Account Audit Report (FPSDR177)

Overdraft Processing Listing (FPSDR024)


PATRIOT OFFICER® Transaction File (FPSDR211)

Platform Compensation Report (FPSDR141)

Positive-Pay Account Activity Report (FPSDR165)

Print Activity & Status Fields (FPSDR200)

Print Activity & Status Fields (FPSDR201)

Print Activity & Status Fields (Replicated Master Fields) (FPSDR203)

Print Activity & Status Fields (Replicated Master Fields) (FPSDR204)

Print Activity & Status Fields (Service Charge Fields) (FPSDR202)

Privilege Manager Software Import File (FPSDR176)

Proof Cash In and Out Report (FPSDR032)

Proof Items for Posting Report (FPSDR025)

Proxy Report (FPSDR113)

Public Funds Report (FPSDR100)

Rate and Maturity Report(s)/TFR MR, SI, and YD (FPSDR057)

Rate Offset Report (FPSDR115)

Rate Tracking Report (FPSDR082)

Regulation -D- Report (FPSDR011)

Reject Handler Report (FPSDR067)

Renewal Notice Report (FPSDR006)

Renewal Notices (FPSDR038)

Report Check Off List (FPSDR099)

Required Minimum Distribution Calculation Report (FPSDR041)

Required Minimum Distribution Comparison (FPSDR144)

Retirement 5498 Report/Notices (April Reporting) (FPSDR042)

Retirement 5498 Report/Notices (Year-end Reporting) (FPSDR174)

Retirement Account Posting Journal (FPSDR027)

Retirement Accounts in Distribution (FPSDR114)

Retirement Plan Report (FPSDR118)

Retirement Report by SS# or Alpha (FPSDR051)

Retirement Service Charge Report (FPSDR044)

Roll, Renew, Mature, and Holds File Maintenance Journal (FPSDR193)

Safe Deposit Box Availability Report (FPSDR126)

Safe Deposit Box Billing Notices (FPSDR125)

Safe Deposit Box Billing Report (FPSDR142)

Safe Deposit Box Past Due Notices (FPSDR128)

Safe Deposit Box Past Due Report (FPSDR127)

Schedule DI Consolidated Deposit Information Report (FPSDR188)

Schedule RC-E/RC-O Report (FPSDR112)

Security Change Report (FPSDR155)

Sendero’s Deposit File PC Download (FPSDR133)

Service Charge Qualifying Accounts Report (FPSDR134)

Service Charge Report (FPSDR047)

Seventy and One-Half Report (FPSDR065)

Short Trial Balance (FPSDR030)

Significant Balance Change Report (FPSDR167)

Statistics Report For Deposits (FPSDR175)

Stop Check Report (FPSDR054)

Stored Value Card Transaction Report (FPSDR406)

System File Maintenance Report (FPSDR055)

Teller Activity Report (FPSDR061)

Teller File Cash Report (FPSDR033)

Teller Override Listing (FPSDR035)

Teller Posting Journal (FPSDR034)

Terminal Transaction Report (FPSDR139)

TORC Report (FPSDR078)

Total Distributions and History Comparison (FPSDR121)

Transaction Report (FPSDR008)

Trial Balance - Detail (FPSDR058)

Trial Balance - Summary (FPSDR059)

Uncollected Funds/Deposit Delay Report (FPSDR037)

Unposted Passbook History Report (FPSDR129)

User Defined Account Selection with Average Balance Report (FPSDR189)

User Defined Account Selection with Date Opened Report (FPSDR136)

Verafin Balancing Report (FPSDR236)

Verafin Master File Report (FPSDR230)

Verafin Transaction Files (FPSDR231)

Waived Service Charge/Deposit Income Report (FPSDR160)

Warning Report (FPSDR062)

Weekly Statement File PC Download (FPSDR135)

Wire Transaction Report (FPSDR187)

Withholding Report (FPSDR012)

Work Order Status Report (FPRSR156)

WWW Transaction Log (FPSDR190)

Year-end Combined Retirement Statements (FPSDR153)

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