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Overdraft Account Audit Report (FPSDR177)

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Overdraft Account Audit Report (FPSDR177)

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This report is generally run monthly in the afterhours, or as desired by your institution. Send in a work order with your request.



The Overdraft Account Audit Report provides information about accounts that have overdraft accounts set up on the Overdraft Accounts screen (function 29/30). The report skips all closed and unopened accounts, and those that do not have the overdraft feature set. The report also excludes accounts that have the overdraft feature set, but have no overdraft accounts tied to them. Two different formats are available.


Format 1 displays the following information:


Account number

Short name of the IRS account owner

Overdraft amount code

Overdraft fee code

Overdraft fee percentage

Overdraft increment

Overdraft flat fee

Overdraft account type

Overdraft account number



Note: If the overdraft account is a credit card, the expiration date of the credit card will also be printed. If the overdraft account is a general ledger account, the cross-reference sequence number will be printed in place of an account number.


Format 2 prints and sorts the report by overdraft account. Within this format, there is also an option to show only loan overdraft accounts. This report format displays the following information:


Overdraft account type

Overdraft account number

Short name of the IRS account owner

Deposit account number tied to the overdraft account



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Report Format 2 only:


Misc Opts 1 set to “Y” = Print by overdraft account

Misc Opts 2 set to “Y” = Only print accounts with a loan overdraft account.


Sort fields only apply when using Format 2 (Misc Opts 1). Sort fields and lengths are as follows:


80 Overdraft account type (1)

81 Overdraft account number (8)

82 Short name of account owner (23)


Note: Sort fields 81 and 82 can not be used together.


Report Column Information (Format 1)

See FPSDR177 Example for an example of this report.




Deposit Account Number

This column displays the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for this account that uses overdrafting.

Short Name

This column displays the IRS account owner’s short name (SHNAME) pulled from the CIF System.

O/D Amt Code

This column displays the overdraft amount code pulled from theAmount Code field (DMOVDC) on the Overdraft Accounts screen (function 29/30).

O/D Fee Code

This column displays the overdraft fee code pulled from the Fee Codefield (DMODFC) on the Overdraft Accounts screen (function 29/30).

O/D Fee %

This column displays the percentage of the transfer amount to charge as a fee pulled from the Overdraft Fee % of Transfer field (DMODPR) on the Overdraft Accounts screen (function 29/30).

O/D Increment

This column displays the transfer amount for amount codes that use increments pulled from the Overdraft Incremental Amount field (DMODAM) on the Overdraft Accounts screen (function 29/30).

O/D Flat Fee

This column displays the flat fee amount that will be charged to accounts when overdrafts are processed. It is pulled from the Overdraft Flat Fee field (DMODFF) on the Overdraft Accounts screen (function 29/30).

O/D Type

This column displays the type code for the overdraft account tied to this account. It is pulled from the Type field (DMODTP) on the Overdraft Accounts screen (function 29/30).

The following are the possible types: “D” = Deposits, “L” = Loans,

“G” = General Ledger, and “C” = Credit Card.

O/D Account Number

This column displays the account number for the overdraft account tied to this deposit account.

Card Expires

This column displays the expiration date for credit card overdraft accounts. An overdraft account is a credit card if the O/D Type column on this report displays “C.”


Report Column Information (Format 2)

See FPSDR177 Example for an example of this report.




O/D Type

This column displays the type code for the overdraft account tied to this account. It is pulled from the Type field (DMODTP) on the Overdraft Accounts screen (function 29/30).

The following are the possible types: “D” = Deposits, “L” = Loans,

“G” = General Ledger, and “C” = Credit Card.

O/D Account Number

This column displays the account number for the overdraft account tied to this deposit account.

Short Name

This column displays the IRS account owner’s short name (SHNAME) pulled from the CIF System.

Xfer Acct

An asterisk in this column indicates that the deposit account that follows is a repayment account (LNRLTA) for an overdraft loan account.

Deposit Account Number

This column displays the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the deposit account tied to this overdraft account.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

The total number of account is listed at the bottom of the report.

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