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Reissue for Cards Expiring Report (FPDATPRE)

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Reissue for Cards Expiring Report (FPDATPRE)

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The Reissue for Cards Expiring Report is generated to show cards that have been or will be reissued during a specific month. It is generally run monthly, but it can be run twice during a month, if desired; once to show cards that were reissued, and a second time to show cards that will be expiring in the future. There are several options available for this report.


1.Only active cards will be reissued. Each institution can determine how many months without being used is considered inactive. A work order must be submitted to set this option in the JCL for your institution.


2.Cards can be issued up to 12 months in advance, also by a term specified by the institution. This allows customers to receive their new cards before their old ones expire. A work order must be submitted to set these options in the JCL for your institution.


3.A report can be run to show cards expiring up to 12 months in the future. A work order must be submitted to set this option in the JCL for your institution.


4.An institution option is also used (OPTO-NPIN-Reissue cards with no PIN?). If this option is "Y," cards will be reissued without issuing another PIN. If the option is "N," a new PIN will be issued.


This report may be sorted by household number, card number, primary account number, or primary name. The default sort is by card number.



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