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Critical File Maintenance Report (FPSDR172)

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Critical File Maintenance Report (FPSDR172)

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This report must be run daily in the afterhours.



The Critical File Maintenance Report lists all file maintenance on the following fields:


Interest Rate (DMRATE)

Base Rate (DMBSRT)

Rate Offset (DMROFF)

Maturity Date (DMMTDT)

Accrued Interest (DMACRI)

Interest Frequency (DMINFQ)

Penalty Code (DMPNCD)

Limit To Go Negative (DMNGLM)

Hold/Action Codes (DMHACC)

Service Charge Codes (DMSVCD)

Date Opened (DMDTOP)


CDT Distribution Type (DXTPC1)

CDT Distribution Method (DXACH)

CDT Source Document (DXSDOC)

CDT Start Date (DXDTCT)

CDT Frequency (DXCTCY)

CDT payee Transfer # (DXCTPY)

CDT Outgoing? (DXGO)*

CDT Incoming? (DXCOM)*

Opt-In for Overdraft/Negative ATM/POS (M2AMOD)


*Whether a CDT is outgoing and/or incoming is determined by what you enter in the Receive/Send/Both (R, S, B) field on the Customer Directed Transfers screen (function 47/48).


This report will show any changes made to these fields for each account for the processing day. It can be sorted by office, account number, or teller/employee number. The default sort will be by account number without page breaks between offices. Totals will be displayed for the number of accounts changed.


This report can be customized. You can specify if you want the report to exclude employee accounts or 1180 transactions. A report option to show only file maintenance done by GOLDPoint Systems employees is available. Also, you can include teller #9999 on the report. If you want the report set up with any of these options, send in a work order with your request.



GOLDPoint Systems Only:

To include teller #9999 on the critical File Maintenance Report, set Misc Opts 1 to “Y.”

To exclude 1180 transactions file maintenance report, set Misc Opts 2 to “Y.”

To exclude employee accounts file maintenance report, set Misc Opts 3 to “Y.”

To report only file maintenance done by GOLDPoint Systems employees, set Misc Opts 4 to “Y.”

To sort and page break by office number, set Sort Key Field Order to 1 and the Critical to 1 to 6.

To sort and page break by teller/employee number, set Sort Key Field Order to 17 and the Critical to 1 to 9.

To sort by account number with no page breaks, the Critical must be 1 to 4 with no Sort Key entry.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR172 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.


This is the full name of the IRS owner(s) on the account.


This is the account status. It is represented by the following codes:

           O = Open

           C = Closed

            I  = Inactive

           D = Dormant

Tran Code MD

This is the transaction code used to run this transaction. If a modifier was used, it is also displayed in this column as TTTT MM, where TTTT is the tran code and MM is the modifier.


This is the transaction override level, if one was necessary for this transaction. These levels are:

           TOV      Teller override

           SOV     Supervisor override

           OOV     Officer override.

Teller/Emp Number

This column displays the teller ID number of the employee who

performed this transaction. If an asterisk is displayed, a GOLDPoint Systems employee processed this transaction.

Terminal ID

This is the identification number of the terminal where this transaction was entered.

Tran Time

This is the time at which this transaction occurred in HH.MM.SS

format where HH is the hour, MM is the minute, and SS is the


Household Number

This is the household number (MNHHLD) for the account, taken from the CIF System.

Field Name

This column displays the mnemonic for the field that was changed by this transaction. Several field names can be listed in this column for one transaction, since several fields can be changed at one time.


This column shows any differences that may exist within a single mnemonic. If the mnemonic shown in the Field Name column represents more than one type of field (such as one of the 12 possible hold codes) this column will display the corresponding field number. For example, if the field that was changed was hold code 3, the mnemonic for the hold code field will appear in the Field Name column, and 3 will appear in this column to indicate that hold code 3 was changed.

Field Description

This is the field description of the field that changed. Only 15 spaces are available for this column, so descriptions may be truncated. If several fields are changed in one transaction, this field will appear for each of the changed fields.

Previous Data

This is the data found in the field prior to the change. If this column is blank, then the field was empty prior to this change. If several fields are changed in one transaction, data will appear for each of the changed fields.

New Data

This column displays the contents of the field after the change

was made. If the field was cleared out, this field will be blank. If several fields are changed in one transaction, this field will appear for each of the changed fields.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Only subtotals for each Social Security number (or federal identification number) are provided on this report. The subtotals are included for everything to the left of the date opened field. Subtotals are not provided for blank Social Security numbers (or federal identification numbers).

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