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Inactive Accounts Report (FPSDR157)

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Inactive Accounts Report (FPSDR157)

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This report is run monthly in the afterhours. Contact your customer service representative to schedule this report.



The Inactive Accounts Report provides information on accounts that have not had activity within a specified amount of days. Your institution determines the number of days (up to 9999) without activity. This will not report closed or unopened accounts.


If specified on the report setup, this report can also show only those accounts that meet the criteria mentioned above and also have current balances less than a specified amount. Your institution determines the amount.


The report can be sorted by date of last transaction, current balance, and standard report sorts.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: To set up the report, the first four positions of the misc parm field are for the number of days without activity (with leading zeros). After one space, the next nine positions are for the amount (current balance). (The last two digits are the assumed decimal places.)


Report Column Information

See FPSDR157 Example for an example of this report.




Customer Name

This column displays the name of the IRS owner on the account. It is taken from the CIF System.

Account Number

This column displays the account number for the account. It consists of the office number (DMACTO), the account number (DMACTA), and the check digit (DMCKDG).

Current Balance

This column displays the current balance of the account (DMCRBL).

Date Last Transaction

This column displays the date for the last transaction that changed the balance on the account (DMDTLT).

Product Code

This column displays the product code on the account (DMPDCD).


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Institution totals are provided for the total number of accounts read and the total current balance of the accounts.

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