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Interest Notice Report (FPSDR116)

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Interest Notice Report (FPSDR116)

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This report cycles daily but will only run when interest has been paid.



The Interest Notice Report shows all accounts which have had interest posted in the last week, month, or three months, depending on the institution report setup.


The report has several options which may be selected, but at least one of these must be an Interest Destination option.





Report will include all accounts receiving interest


Exclude retirement accounts


Exclude savings accounts


Exclude accounts with interest destination of 0


Exclude accounts with interest destination of 1


Exclude accounts with interest destination of 2


Exclude accounts with interest destination of 11


Exclude accounts with interest destination of 12


Report Column Information

See FPSDR116 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


Account Number

This is the number of the account.

Name and Address

This is the name and address of the account owner.

Household Number

This is the number of the household containing the account number.

Interest Amount

This is the amount of interest posted to the account.

Interest Destination

This is how the interest was posted.

Interest Rate

This is the rate of interest the account is receiving


This is the account balance after the interest is posted.

Maturity Date

This is the date of maturity if the account is a CD and has a maturity date.



Subtotal for the sort fields will include:


Total amount of interest

Total number of accounts


Institution Totals will include:


Total amount of interest

Total number of accounts


The notices can be sorted by maturity date (80), or by mail code (90). Mail code 111 equals 010 on the account file.

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