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Customer Directed Transfers (CDT) Report (FPSDR040)

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Customer Directed Transfers (CDT) Report (FPSDR040)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours.



The Customer Directed Transfers Report lists information on all CDT transfers that occurred during that day's afterhours processing.


This report can be sorted and subtotaled by office, account number, or CDT type. There are no miscellaneous parameters or options available for this report.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: To sort by CDT type, use sort field 80 (1).



Report Column Information

See FPSDR040 Example for an example of this report.


Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Xfer #

This is the unique number within this account for this particular transfer. It is taken from the Transfer # field (DXCTPY) on the Customer Directed Transfers screen (function 47/48).

Next to this number will appear either “R,” “S,” or “B” to indicate whether this transfer is being received, sent, or both.


This column displays either “R,” “S,” or “B” to indicate whether this transfer is being received, sent, or both.

Type Meth

This column contains codes that indicate the type and method used for this transfer. Type codes are taken from the Distribution Type field (DXTPC1) on the Customer Directed Transfers screen (function 47/48). Method codes are taken from the Distribution Method field on the same screen.

Type codes are:

A Autodeposit

B Bill Payer

C Club Payout

I Interest

L Loan

O Origination

P MasterCard Bill Payment

R Retirement

S Sweep

Method codes are:


CHK Check

GL General Ledger

MCD MasterCard RPPS

XFR In-house transfer

Transfer Amount

This is the amount of the transfer (up to 9,999,999.99).

Source Document

This is the source document information, if any, entered for this transfer, taken from the Source Document field (DXSDOC) on the Customer Directed Transfers screen (function 47/48).

Life to Date Amount

This is the amount transferred by this transfer record since it was entered. This information is taken from the LTD Amount field (DXAMLD) on the Customer Directed Transfers screen (function 47/48).

User Comments

This is any information that was entered in the Memo field (DXINFO) on the Customer Directed Transfers screen (function 47/48).

Current Balance

This column displays the amount that is in the Current Balance field (DMCRBL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2) at the time the report is being run.


Totals Provided

At the end of the report, institution totals are provided for the number of transfers on the report.

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