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Account Analysis Statements (FPSDR198)

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Account Analysis Statements (FPSDR198)

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This report must process daily in the afterhours.



The Rendered Account Analysis Statement program creates laser-printed statements for accounts that were analyzed that night. If the Skip Credit Statement? (AISKCR) field is checked on the Costed Service Institution Defaults screen, then statements will not be created for accounts that have a credit amount.


Statements are sorted by statement type. Single account statements are sorted first by account number, followed by combined accounts statements. Combined accounts statements are sorted first by household and statement number, then by account number. Analysis statements can be sorted by mail code first (MNMAIL), then by account number.


Note: The account description (ATACDS) on the Entity screen is used on the statement.



GOLDPoint Systems Only:


Input Records are TG.


Set up two reports: one for e-statements and one for paper statements, using Misc Opts 7 and 8.


The Misc Parm should be filled out as follows:


The first 8 characters are the form number. The form number should be "DFLTALYS."

After the form number, enter a space.

The next 20 characters are the printer queue specifications. For non-color statements (black print), use HOLED or NOHOLE. For color, use the appropriate code from the Printer types below:

oBlue, Holed-Blue (both go to the HOLED-BLUE operator queue)

oGreen, Holed-Green (both go to the HOLED-GREEN operator queue)

oRed, Holed-Red (both go to the HOLED-RED operator queue)









The Misc Parm should be "DFLTALYS NOHOLE" or "DFLTALYS HOLED" and a color indicator, unless it is black.


The Misc Opts should be filled out as follows:


Misc Opts 1: "Y" for preprinted forms

Misc Opts 2: "Y" for production

Misc Opts 3: "Y" to send to warehouse only

Misc Opts 4: "Y" to print only

Misc Opts 5: "Y" to not send email alerts (for reruns)

Misc Opts 6: "Y" to mask all but the last four digits of the account number

Misc Opts 7: "Y" to include eStatements only

Misc Opts 8: "Y" to include paper statements only


Clients must submit a work order with their logo to get this statement layout (ALYS) set up for them.


To sort no-mails to the top, the run parameter must be "UPSI98."


Report Column Information for Single Account Analysis Statements

See the Enhanced Account Analysis Statements example.





This displays the mailing name for this account.


This displays the mailing address for this account.

Statement Period

This displays the date range for this month’s statement period.

Individual Analysis Statement

This displays the office number, account number, and check digit for the account being analyzed.

IRS Owner Name

This is the full name of the IRS owner of the account in first-middle-last name format.

xxxxxxx Balance for Cycle

This displays the balance on the account during the statement cycle used for the analysis. “AVERAGE” is displayed if the average balance was used. “ACCT HI” is displayed if the high balance was used, and “ACCT LO” is displayed if the low balance was used.

Float Amount For Cycle

This displays the float amount for this account during the statement cycle.

Average Daily Collected Balance

This displays the average collected balance during the statement cycle. It is calculated by subtracting the Float Amount for Cycle from the XXXXXXX Balance for Cycle.

Required Federal Reserves

This displays the dollar amount that is required to be maintained in reserve for this account at the institution. It is calculated by multiplying the Average Daily Collected Balance by the rate displayed on this line.

Required Institution Reserves

This displays the amount that your institution requires to be maintained in reserve for this account. It is calculated by multiplying the Average Daily Collected Balance by the rate displayed on this line. If your institution does not maintain reserves, this field will not be shown.

Net Available Balance

This displays the amount that is used to calculate an earnings credit for the account.  It is calculated by subtracting the Required Federal Reserves and the Required Institution Reserves from the Average Daily Collected Balance. If the result is negative, this may result in an additional charge rather than an earnings credit.

Start Date, End Date, and # Of Days

This displays the cycle start date, the cycle end date, and the total number of days present in the statement cycle. The # of Days is used in several of the calculations in account analysis.

Earned/Charge On Net Available At

This displays the Earned on Net Available at if the Net Available Balance is greater than or equal to zero. Charge on Net Available At will be displayed if the Net Available Balance is negative. This amount is calculated by multiplying the Net Available Balance by the rate displayed on this line, dividing by 365, and multiplying by the number of days in the cycle.

Forwarded Credit

This displays the credit amount, if there is any, forwarded from the last statement. The credit is applied to the cost of services for the account.

Balance Before Services

This displays the sum of the Earned/Charge on Net and the Forwarded Credit. This line is only present if there is a Forwarded Credit amount.

Service Provided

This column displays the description of each costed service provided for this account.

The FDIC Insurance field displays the amount charged for FDIC insurance on this account. It is calculated by multiplying the Average Daily Collected Balance by the rate displayed on this line. It is considered a costed service.


This column displays the cost per item for each service provided to the account.

# Of Items

This column displays the number of items for each service provided to the account during the statement cycle. If this field is negative, the number of items was credited to the account.

Total Cost

This column displays the total cost for each service. It is calculated by multiplying the # of Items by the Cost/Item. If the result is less than zero (credit for number of items), the Total Cost will be zero for that service, rather than giving a credit amount. An asterisk (*) next to the amount indicates that the service was waived. A pound sign (#) indicates that the service was waived based on the activity of other account(s).

Comp Balance

This displays the compensating balance that corresponds to the total cost of the provided service. The compensating balance is the balance needed in order for the account NOT to receive a charge for that item and does not include waived services. An account that has no forwarded balance and that receives neither a charge nor a credit will have a total compensating balance that is equal (or very near to) the Average Daily Collected Balance.

Total of Services

This displays the total of all the Services Provided in the detail lines.

Net Earnings Credit/Net Charge to Account xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xx

This displays the total charge or credit amount for this statement. If the Total of Services was greater than the Balance Before Services amount or if the EARNED amount was a CHARGE, then the result is a charge to the account. If the Total of Services is less than or equal to the Balance Before Services, the result is a credit amount. If the result is a charge, the account that will be charged is displayed.

Required Balance For No Charge

This displays the balance that, if maintained through the statement period, would have resulted in no charge made to the account. This line appears only for charge balances. It uses the same formula as the Compensating Balance field but includes all services, whether waived or not.

Account Not Charged During Evaluation Period

If the account has a CHARGE amount showing on the statement, but the Charge Fees? (AICHGS) field in function 62 is set to "N" (no), this message will be displayed on the statement to show that the account was not charged the displayed amount. This allows an evaluation period on the account before starting to charge for account analysis.


Report Column Information for Combined Analysis Statements

See the combined accounts Enhanced Account Analysis Statement example.




Name and Address

This displays the mailing names and address where the combined statement will be sent. Names and addresses are pulled from CIF. This allows you to set up mailing names and addresses for combined accounts to designate where statements will be sent.

Statement Period

This displays the date range for this month’s statement period.

Combined Analysis Statement

This displays the statement number shown on each page of the combined statement. The statement number shows where the accounts on the statement were combined.

Individual Analysis Statement

This displays the individual analysis for each account that was combined on this statement. Several individual statements can be printed. The format of the individual statement is the same as the single account statement.

Combined Statement Summary

This heading is followed by a summary of the individual statement information displayed above. It displays the household and statement number.

Total Earned/Charge Amount From All Accounts

This displays the total earned from all accounts on the combined statement. If the amount is negative, the line displays "CHARGE" instead of "EARNED". This amount is calculated by adding up each Earned/Charge on Net Available At from each individual statement.

Total Forwarded Balances From All Accounts

This displays the sum of all Forwarded Credit amounts from each individual account.

Total Of Services From All Accounts

This displays the sum of all Total of Services from all individual statements.

Net From All Accounts Charged To xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xx/Net Earnings Credit From All Accounts

This displays the result of Total Earned/Charge Before Services from All Accounts minus Total of Services from All Accounts. If the result is positive, then the result is a NET EARNINGS CREDIT, otherwise, it is a charge amount and the account that was charged is displayed.

Account Not Charged During Evaluation Period

If an account has a CHARGE amount showing on the statement, but the Charge Fees? field (AICHGS) on the Account Analysis Costed Services screen is blank, this message will be displayed. This indicates the account is not set up to be charged; therefore, it will not be charged. It is displayed after the Net from All Accounts Charged To xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xx/Net Earnings Credit from All Accounts line to show that the fees have not been charged to the specified account.


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