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Equifax Beacon Score Report (FPSEQFBS)

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Equifax Beacon Score Report (FPSEQFBS)

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The Equifax Beacon Score Report is generated when a media file or a File Transfer Utility file, containing beacon score update information, is received from Equifax. This data is used to update the CIS. This report contains the beacon score information assigned to the individual or company.


Beacon scores are based solely on the data available in a customer’s credit report. It is not a measure of income, assets or account information. Credit information looked at include the following: payment history, outstanding debt, credit history, inquiries and new account openings, types of credit in use, and average credit score. Credit scores are not based on race, religion, sex, marital status, or age. Occupation and the length of time at current residence are not considered.


Column Heading


Tax ID #

This is the Social Security number (MNCSSN) (or federal identification number) of the individual or company being updated with beacon score data.

Household #

This is the first household number (MNHHLD) found for a Social Security number (or federal identification number) of the individual or organization recorded on the tape. (It is truncated to 8 digits.)


This is the household sequence number (MNTSEQ) of the individual or company named in the household.


This is the last name (MNLNAM), first name (MNGNAM), middle initial (NMMNAM), and suffix (NMSFFX) of the individual or customer recorded.

Beacon 96 Old

This is the beacon score number that existed before the current update.

Beacon 96 New

This is the new beacon score number assigned to this individual or company.

Crit/Drop Code

This is the criteria code (if the beacon score assignment is accepted) or the drop code (if the beacon score assignment is not accepted). This code is not placed in CIS, but it appears here for information purposes and is sorted to the bottom of the report if it is a drop code. The following codes are used:

O = Record is okay (not dropped)

Y = Record not processed

Z = Format reject

X = No hits

P = Pointscore drop (not dropped if beacon score is greater than zero)

S = Safescan drop

T = Safescan-PS drop

Safescan Code

This is the code associated with the drop code "S" (Safescan-drop) or the drop code "T" (Safescan-PS Drop). This code is not placed in CIS, but it appears here for information purposes. GOLDPoint Systems was not given the definitions of these codes. Contact Equifax for more information.


The report records are sorted by Social Security number.


GOLDPoint Systems ONLY:

When this report is set up, the Sort Key field must contain an 80, and the critical must be 1 to 4. No other sort options are available.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

The totals placed at the end of the report are as follows:


The total number of CIS records updated. (This may be 0 for test runs.)

The total number of beacon score records sent from Equifax.

The number of beacon score accepts updated.

The number of beacon score drops updated.

The number of CIS records not found.


The number of CIS records not found indicates that some Social Security numbers have been changed or deleted since the CIS data was sent to Equifax. Also, if the number of CIS records updated is greater than zero, this number should be equal to the sum of the accepts and drops updated.

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