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Check Image Exception Report (FPSDR087)

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Check Image Exception Report (FPSDR087)

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This report must process daily in the afterhours. It is only useful if GOLDPoint Systems receives your institution’s check images.



The Check Image Exception Report prints all the check images that did not link to an account or to its transactions. GOLDPoint Systems first determines the account number and then tries to find the matching history item for the check by using the imaged check number that your processor has sent to GOLDPoint Systems.


This report must be audited each day, resolving errors before your checking account statements cycle in the afterhours. This report is cumulative, meaning that all the errors that are encountered do not drop off the report until you manually resolve them, except for error code 40.


Errors for images for which GOLDPoint Systems could not locate the proper account number (error code 10) can be handled in CIM GOLD on the Images tab on the Deposits > Account Information > Check Imaging screen. Error code 10 will be shown on the Check Images/Exceptions tab and also on this report. All other errors will only be processed on this report.


Errors for images for which GOLDPoint Systems could not match the history with the image because of a mismatched check number (error code 20) can be corrected on the history screen by changing the check number or by accessing the account on the the Images tab on the Deposits > Account Information > Check Imaging screen and changing the image’s check number. GOLDPoint Systems receives images even for returned checks but does not link them to the account because they should not print on the statement. (These will appear as error code 40). No action is required if this error occurs.


This report sorts by account number within error code. No other sorts are available.



GOLDPoint Systems Only:


Field attributes are TG.

Sort fields are 80, 81, 82, and 84.

Criticals are 1-5.

Set Misc Parm to “200 230” and Misc Opt 1 and 2 to “Y.”


Returned Checks

Set Misc Opts 8 to "Y" to include an additional 7 business days' worth of returned checks in the report.

Set Misc Opts 9 to "Y" to include an additional 14 days' worth of returned checks in the report.



Report Column Information

See the Check Image Exception Report example.




Image Account

This field indicates the account number sent to GOLDPoint Systems in the image file by your check processor.

GPS Account Number

This field indicates the account number used to find the history item for the image. If GOLDPoint Systems is converting account numbers for posting inclearing checks, the same conversion will be processed on the account number for the image of the check.

Trace Number

This is the trace number assigned to the image by your check processor.

Check Amount

This field indicates the amount of the check imaged, according to the check processor.

SD (Side)

This column will always show FR, indicating the front of the image.

Check NBR (Number)

This field indicates the check number for the image that your check processor sent.

Tran Date

This field indicates the date the image was processed by your check processor.

Exception Description

This field indicates the error created when attempting to link the image with the checking account’s history. The following three errors may be listed:


Error 10 - CROSS REF/DEPOSIT ACCOUNT NOT ON FILE - The cross-reference deposit account is not on file.


Error 20 - CHECK IMAGE WITH NO ASSOCIATED HISTORY - The check image has no associated history.


Error 40 - RETURN CHECK - IMAGE NOT LINKED TO HIST - The returned check image is not linked to the history.


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