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ATM/Daily Comparative Totals Report (FPATMCMP)

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ATM/Daily Comparative Totals Report (FPATMCMP)

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The ATM/Daily Comparative Totals Report allows users of all ATM processors (except Fiserv EFT) to store and archive the differences between the ATM processor and account history each day. The report can be printed and sent to Report Warehouse the day after the processing day. You will still need to handle the exceptions each day using the ATM Comparative Totals screen in GOLD Services. This task must be done each day to ensure ATM balancing. The differences that show on the report are generally because of cutoff times that will be back in line the following day. Other cases will be denied, reversed, or missing transactions. Each one must be looked at individually.


Column Heading


Account Number

This is the account number for the transaction.

Plastic Number

This is the number that appears on the card (ATM card # - BIN).


This is the date the ATM card was used (the switch date).


This is the switch time, to the second, that the card was used.


This is the type of transaction processed.


This is the amount that was debited to the account.


This is the amount that was credited to the account.

Column Heading



This is the switch date the activity occurred.


This is the switch time the activity occurred.

Tran Code

This is the GOLDPoint Systems transaction code that indicates the type of transaction that occurred.


This is the amount that was debited to the account.


This is the amount that was credited to the account.

Column Heading


Running Balance

This column shows the difference between the ATM processor amounts and the Account History amounts.

Total Processed Difference

This is the total number of transactions run, the total debits, credits, and total amount of all transactions run over the cutoff date.

Accounts OK Difference

These are the total number of accounts that were not different.

Accounts in Err Difference

These are the total number of accounts that were different, and affected the difference amount.



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