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Schedule RC-E/RC-O Report (FPSDR112)

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Schedule RC-E/RC-O Report (FPSDR112)

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This report is generally processed at monthend in the afterhours, but it is only required each quarter-end. It should not be processed at any other interval.



The Schedule RC-E/RC-O Report is used primarily to aid commercial banks in completing the FDIC Federal Schedule RC-E. Consequently, the report was designed to follow the format of Federal Schedule RC-E as closely as possible.


The Schedule RC-E Report is a totals-only report that prints as two separate sections, each coinciding with the main sections of Federal Schedule RC-E.


The Schedule RC-O Memoranda Information for 1, A-E is also printed on the report after the RC-E Memoranda Information.


Option 1 will omit preferred deposit accounts from the report, including the preferred deposit category, other various categories, and totals.



Note: This report can be printed in detail upon request. Subcategoriesmust be entered for accounts in order for them to be used in Part 1 of the report. All subcategory 12 accounts (repurchase agreement) are excluded from this report.


Part 1, Deposits in Domestic Offices, subtotals all deposit accounts based on their subcategories. Each subcategory is divided into Transaction Accounts (column one), Demand Deposits (column two), and Non-transaction Accounts (column three). In each of these columns, totals are again broken down according to interest and non-interest bearing accounts.


Part 2, Memoranda Information, gives totals for various categories of accounts as required by Schedule RC-E. These categories and the selection criteria used to determine each total are presented following the Memoranda Information report illustration.


The institution’s interest for each category is also provided on the report if institution option PIYE (Pay all interest at year-end) is set to "Y." The interest liability includes the year-to-date interest (DMIYTD), if any, the account interest (DMACRI), if any, and the interest accrued from the date last accrued (DMDTAC) to the day the report is run. It also includes YTD interest for closed accounts.


If institution option PIYE is not set and you still want interest liability information to print, set Misc Opts 2 to "Y." This figure will include any year-to-date interest (DMIYTD) and accrued interest from 1-1-YYYY, where YYYY is the current year. Please note, we will not include any accrued interest for the prior year. If the date last accrued (DMDTAC) is before 1-1-YYYY, we will start the interest calculation with January 1 and total through the processing date.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: For totals only, the Subprog Ctrls Print field must be set to "Y."


For a detailed report, set the Subprog Ctrls Print field to "N" and the Totals Only field to "N."


The Sort fields must be set to "80" to sort by sub-category. The Critical fields must be set "1" to "5" for Part 1 to print correctly.


Set Misc Opts 1 to "Y" to exclude preferred deposits from the report (Sub Category field (DMSUBC) is equal to 1-Public Funds or 6-State and Political Subdivisions-U.S.).


Set Misc Opts 2 to "Y" to add a column to report interest in the Memoranda section of the report, regardless of whether institution option PIYE (Pay All Interest at Year-end) is set. The interest column includes accrued and YTD amounts. Closed accounts with YTD interest are also included.


Input records must be DM and MN.


Deposits in Domestic Offices

Part One of the Deposit Schedule RC-E Report shows all accounts for an institution subtotaled by the account subcategory (DMSUBC). Within each subcategory, accounts are broken down into columns according to various other characteristics as follows:


Column Heading


General or Subcategory Deposits of:

Individual, Partnerships, and Corporations (Sub Category field (DMSUBC) is set to 0, 2, 3, 4, 15, or 16)

U.S. Government (Sub Category field (DMSUBC) is set to 5)

States and Political Subdivisions in the U.S. (Sub Category field (DMSUBC) is set 1 or 6)

Commercial Banks and other Depository Institutions in the U.S. (Sub Category field (DMSUBC) is set to 7-10)

Banks in Foreign Countries (Sub Category field (DMSUBC) is set 11-13)

Foreign Governments and Official Institutions (Sub Category field (DMSUBC) is set 14)


The General Category and Sub Category fields are found on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen, Account Information tab in CIM GOLD.

Account Type

Interest Bearing (the Interest field (DMDFIN) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen, Features/Options tab is checked.)

Non-interest Bearing (the Interest field is unchecked)

Totals: This is the total for interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing accounts for each category.

Negative Balances: This is the total number of accounts that have a negative balance for the particular account types listed.

Accrued interest

Interest YTD

Interest Totals

Transaction Accounts

Transaction accounts are all accounts without a CD feature and not defined as general category 5 (regular savings) or 6 (MMDA account).

Demand Deposits

Demand deposits are all non-interest bearing accounts, including all accounts defined as general category 9 (non-interest bearing), but excluding accounts defined as general category 8 (NOW accounts) or general category 10 (super NOW accounts).

Nontransaction Accts

Non-transaction accounts are all accounts with a CD feature or defined as general category 5 (regular savings) or 6 (MMDA account).


Memoranda Information

Part Two further categorizes various subsets of accounts according to the following criteria:


Column Heading


Selected Components of Total Deposits

Total of IRA and Keogh Plan Accounts (Retirement field (DMDFRT) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen, Features/Options tab is checked), excluding ESA/HSA accounts

Total of Brokered Deposits (Sub Category (DMSUBC) is 4 or General Category (DMGENL) is 13)

Fully Insured Brokered Deposits: Issued in Denominations of Less Than $100,000

Fully Insured Brokered Deposits: Issued in Denominations of $100,000 through $250,000

Maturity Data for Brokered Deposits: Brokered Deposits Less Than $100,000 with a Remaining Maturity of One Year or Less

Maturity Data for Brokered Deposits: Brokered Deposits of  $100,000 - $250,000 with a Remaining Maturity of One Year or Less

Brokered Deposits of More than $250,000 with a Remaining Maturity of One Year or Less

Preferred Deposits: (Sub Category (DMSUBC) is 1 or 6) that are over $100,000 (If the option is set to not include preferred deposits on the report, "N/A" will appear in this column.)

Components of Total Nontransaction Accounts

Savings Deposits: Money Market Deposit Accounts (MMDA)

Negative Money Market Accounts

Savings Deposits: Other Savings Deposits (Excludes MMDA)

Negative Other Savings Deposits

Total Time Deposits of Less than $100,000

Total Time Deposits of $100,000 through $250,000

Total Time Deposits of More than $250,000

IRA/KEOGH In Time Deposits of $100,000 or More (excluding HSH, ESA and QRP types 3 and 4)

All NOW Accounts

All NOW Accounts (General Category (DMGENL) is 8or 10)

Negative NOW Accounts

Maturity and Repricing Data for Time Deposits of Less Than $100,000

Time Deposits of Less Than $100,000 with a Remaining Maturity or Variable Rate (Rate Sensitive field (DMVART) is checked on the Deposits > Account Information > Interest Fields screen, Interest Fields tab) of Three Months or Less

Time Deposits of Less Than $100,000 with a Remaining Maturity Over Three Months Through 12 Months

Time Deposits of Less Than $100,000 with a Remaining Maturity of Over One Year Through Three Years

Time Deposits of Less Than $100,000 with a Remaining Maturity of Over 3 Years

Time Deposits of Less Than $100,000 with a Remaining Maturity of One Year or Less

Balances in this total will include all certificate accounts, including those that are rate sensitive (Rate Sensitive field (DMVART) is checked) andhave a remaining maturity of one year or less. If an account is variable, and its remaining maturity is greater than a year, it will not be included in this total, but will be included in the less than 3 months total above.

Maturity and Repricing Data for Time Deposits of $100,000

Time Deposits of $100,000 or More with a Remaining Maturity or Variable Rate (Rate Sensitive field (DMVART) is checked) of Three Months or Less

Time Deposits of $100,000 or More with a Remaining Maturity of Over Three Months Through 12 Months

Time Deposits of $100,000 with a Remaining Maturity of Over One Year Through Three Years

Time Deposits of $100,000 - 250,000 with a Remaining Maturity of Over Three Years

Time Deposits of More than $250,000 with a Remaining Maturity of One Year or Less

Time Deposits of $100,000 or More with a Remaining Maturity of One Year or Less

Balances in this total will include all certificate accounts, including those that are rate sensitive (Rate Sensitive field (DMVART) is checked) andhave a remaining maturity of one year or less. If an account is variable, and its remaining maturity is greater than a year, it will not be included in this total, but will be included in the less than 3 months total above.

RC-O Information

Total Deposits of the Bank (excluding Retirement Accounts and including ESA and HSA Accounts)

Amount of Deposit Accounts of $100,000 or Less

Amount of Deposit Accounts of More Than $100,000

Number of Deposit Accounts of $100,000 or Less

Number of Deposit Accounts of More Than $100,000

Total Retirement Deposit Accounts of the Bank

Amount of Deposit Accounts of $250,000 or Less

Amount of Deposit Accounts of More Than $250,000

Number of Deposit Accounts of $250,000 or Less

Number of Deposit Accounts of More Than $250,000

Deposit Totals for FDIC Insurance Assessments

Total Deposits

Total Demand Deposits

Total Time and Savings Deposits

Uninsured Borrowings (General Category (DMGENL) is 12)

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