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Retirement Account Posting Journal (FPSDR027)

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Retirement Account Posting Journal (FPSDR027)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours.



The Retirement Account Posting Journal provides information on retirement accounts that have had amounts posted to the account for the processing day. The information provided includes the following:


the account number

the product code

the account type

the current balance

up to two hold codes placed on the account

the teller identification number of the person who performed the transaction

the transaction amount

the source code, tran code and the modifier, if used.

the transaction description

the distribution code

the override level

the status of the account

the time the transaction took place


The report is typically sorted by account number.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR027 Example for an example of this report.


Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Prod Code

This is the product code used for this account, taken from the product code field (DMPDCD) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Acct Type

This is the account type for this account, taken from the type field (DMDPTP) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Current Balance

This is the current balance of the account, taken from the current balance field (DMCRBL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).


There are 12 possible hold codes for a single account, however, only 2 hold codes per account can be displayed on the report. These codes are taken from the Hold/Action Codes screen (function 11/12).

Teller ID

This is the teller ID number of the employee who performed the closing transaction on this account.

Transaction Amount

This is the amount of the transaction.


This is the source of the funds if coming from either ATM or ACH transactions. ATM or ACH will appear in this column if applicable.

Tran Code& Md

This is the transaction code used to run this transaction. If a modifier was used, it is also displayed in this column as TTTT MM, where T is the tran code and M is the modifier.


This is a brief description of the transaction either entered by the teller at the time of the transaction, taken from the institution default description, or taken from the GOLDPoint Systems default description, in that order.

Dist Code

If this is a withdrawal transaction, the IRS-defined distribution code used for the withdrawal will be displayed here.


This is the override level, if one was necessary for the transaction. These are:

TOV Teller override

SOV Supervisor override

OOV Officer override


This is the status of the account on this line. It can be OPEN, CLOSED, INACTIV, DORMANT, etc.

Tran Time

This is the time that the transaction took place in HH.MM.SS.


Note: If Miscellaneous Option 8, is set, the Tran Time column is replaced with the User Field 8 column. The information for the new column is retrieved from the Field 8 user-defined field on the Miscellaneous Fields tab of the Deposits > Additional Fields screen.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are provided by office number, and institution totals are provided at the end of the report. If other subtotals are desired, consult your customer service representative.

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