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Hold Report (FPSDR031)

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Hold Report (FPSDR031)

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This report is normally run daily in the afterhours.



The Hold Report lists all monetary and over-the-counter holds on each account. The detail lines of the report contain the following information:


Account number

Hold type

Date hold was entered for over-the-counter holds

Hold amount

Check number for over-the-counter holds

Current balance

Hold description

Hold expiration date for monetary holds

Teller number of employee entering hold for over-the-counter holds


The report is typically sorted by office number and account number.


There is an option available to print detail POS and debit card information. Send in a work order if you want this option set up.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Detail POS and debit card information will be printed if misc opts 1 is set to “Y.”


Report Column Information

See FPSDR031 Example for an example of this report.


Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Hold Type

This is one of the following to indicate the type of hold represented by this line:

OTC - Over-the-counter hold

MON - Monetary hold

If an asterisk (*) appears after the hold type, it denotes that detail POS or debit card information is available.

Date Entered

This is the date the hold was entered. It is only used for over-the-counter holds.

Hold/Check Amount

This is the amount of the hold if the hold is monetary, or the amount of the check if the hold is an over-the-counter hold. Indented amounts are the detail lines for the monetary hold following them.

Check Number

This is the check number if this is an over-the-counter hold.

Current Balance

This is the current balance of the account, taken from the Current Balance field (DMCRBL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).


This is the description of the hold. If this is an over-the-counter hold, "OVER-THE-COUNTER HLD" will appear in this field. If this is a monetary hold, this column will display whatever was entered in theDescription field (DMMHDS) on the Monetary Holds screen (function 13/14).

Expiration Date

This is the expiration date for monetary holds only, taken from the Exp Date field (DMMHEX) on the Monetary Holds screen (function 13/14).

Teller/Emp Number

This is the teller ID number of the employee who entered this hold. This column is only used when the hold type is OTC, over-the-counter holds.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

This report is subtotaled by office number for the total amount of holds, monetary holds, and over-the-counter holds.

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