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Service Charge Qualifying Accounts Report (FPSDR134)

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Service Charge Qualifying Accounts Report (FPSDR134)

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This report is normally run quarterly. Consult your Customer Service Representative if you want to schedule this report differently.



The Service Charge Qualifying Accounts report is designed to show all deposit accounts for which qualifying accounts have been defined, for service charge purposes, through function 65/66 in the Deposit System (Application 4).


Miscellaneous option 1 is available to use this report as an exception report. If this option is set, only qualifying accounts that have an error will be reported (not in the same household, account has been dropped, etc.).


This report can be sorted using all standard account and CIF sort parameters.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR134 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


Account Number

This column shows the office, account, and check digit of the account being reported. Field lengths are controlled by institution options.

Short Name

This column displays the short name of the account owner of the account in column 1.

Househld NBR

This column displays the CIF household number in which the account being reported is located.

Qualif Account

This column (and column 6) will display up to five qualifying account numbers including office, account, and check digit. Field lengths are controlled by institution options.


When the exception report is run using misc option 1 = "Y," this column (and column 7) will display the reason that each qualifying account is an error (e.g., No CIF Found, Account Not in Same Household, Acct Not on File, Account Closed, etc.). For the normal run of this report (misc option 1 = "N"), this column will be blank.


Exception Report

See the Qualifying Accounts Exception Report example.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

All standard account and CIF subtotal options are available with this report. The total reported is the total number of accounts printed on the report.

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