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Negative Balance Accounts Report (FPSDR022)

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Negative Balance Accounts Report (FPSDR022)

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This report is generally run daily in the afterhours. Consult your GOLDPoint Systems representative about how you want to schedule this report.



The Negative Balance Accounts Report provides information on open accounts that have a negative balance.


The report is typically sorted by account number, but it can also be sorted by the date the account went negative.


Optionally, the full name of the IRS account owner can be printed as the seventh line. A summary report that prints only the first line is also available.


With the FDIC Call Report Schedules RC-C and RC-N, you must use the options for that format. The following totals for negative balances based on the FDIC-defined time frames are used:


1–30 days

31–89 days

90+ days



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Misc Opt 1 - Include the full name of the IRS account owner.


To sort the report by account number only, the Sort Key fields should be set to 01 and 02. The Critical fields should be 1 to 6.


To sort by the date the account went negative, the Sort Key field should be set to 80. The Critical fields should be 1 to 8.


To sort by the date the account went negative and then by branch account, set the Sort Key fields to 80, 01, and 02. The Critical fields should be 1 to 10.


To sort the report by office and then by product code, set the Sort Key fields to 01, 04, and 02. The Critical fields should be 1 to 8.


For FDIC report, the sort fields must be 81, 80, 1, 2, and the Critical 1 to 9.


For single-name report, set Misc Opt 2 (use any available sort).


Report Column Information

See FPSDR022 Example for an example of this report.




The following columns are in the summary single-line report and in the detail report.

Account Number

This column displays the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) of the account.

Short Name

This column displays the short name (SHNAME) of the IRS owner of the account taken from the CIS System.

Current Balance

This column displays the current balance of the account, taken from theCurrent Balance field (DMCRBL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen.


This column displays the over-the-counter hold amount total on the account, taken from the Over-the-Counter Holds field (DMOCAM) on the Deposit Master Fields screen.


This column displays the uncollected funds hold total on the account, taken from the Uncollected Funds field (DMUFCH) on the Deposit Master Fields screen.


This column displays the total monetary holds on the account, taken from the Monetary Holds field (DMMHAM) on the Deposit Master Fields screen.


This column displays the product code for the account, taken from theProduct Code field (DMPDCD) on the Deposit Master Fields screen.


This column displays the account type for the account, taken from theAccount Type field (DMDPTP) on the Deposit Master Fields screen.


This is the total number of accounts in this subtotal group.

The following fields are only in the detail report.

OD Amt/Fee Codes

This field displays the overdraft amount code, taken from the Amount Code field (DMOVDC) and the overdraft fee code, taken from the Fee Code field (DMODFC) on the Overdraft Accounts screen.

Officer Code

This field displays the officer code, taken from the Account Representative Code field (DMOFCD) on the Miscellaneous Fields screen.

Date of Last OD

This field displays the date of the last overdraft on the account, taken from the Date Last Overdraft field (DMDTOD) on the Overdraft Accounts screen.

Date Opened

This field displays the date on which the account was opened, taken from the Date Opened field (DMDTOP) on the Deposit Master Fields screen.

Hold Codes

This field displays the hold codes used on this account, taken from theCode field (DMHACC) on the Hold/Action Codes screen.

YTD Ret Chks

This field displays the total number of returned checks for the account for the current year. This information is taken from theAll Returned ACH/Year to Date field (DMRCYD) on the Account Activity Fields screen.


This field displays the total number of returned ACH items for the account for the current year. This information is taken from the All Returned ACH/Year to Date field (DMRAYD) on the Account Activity Fields screen.

YTD Overdrafts

This field displays the total number of overdrafts for this account for the current year. This information is taken from the Year to Date Overdrafts field (DMODYD) on the Overdraft Accounts screen.


This field displays the year-to-date total for the number of times items for non-sufficient or uncollected funds exceptions have been processed for this account. This information is taken from the Times in Exception File/Year-to-Date field (ECEXCY) on the Exception Status Fields screen.


This field displays the year-to-date total for the number of times items for non-sufficient or uncollected funds exceptions have been paid. This information is taken from the Times Paid in Exception File/Year-to-Date field (ECTPNY) on the Exception Status Fields screen.

Date Negative

This field displays the date on which the account last changed from a positive to a negative balance. This information is taken from the Last Date Account Went Negative field (DMDTNG) on the Deposit Additional Fields screen.

# of Days Neg

This field displays the total number of days the account has been negative and is calculated by the system. The date of the report is subtracted from the Date Negative field, which is updated each time an account is taken negative.


This field displays the cycle-to-date total for the number of times items for non-sufficient or uncollected funds exceptions have been processed for this account. This information is taken from the Times Paid in Exception File/Cycle-to-Date field (ECEXCC) on the Exception Status Fields screen.

Date of Last Activity

This field displays the latest date on which activity on the account occurred. This information is taken from the Last Active field (DMDTLA) on the Account Activity Fields screen.

Type of Last Activity

This field displays a code that indicates the type of activity that last occurred on the account. This information is taken from the Last Activity Type field (DMTPLA) on the Account Activity Fields screen.

LTD Times Neg

and Card Act

This field displays the number of times during the life of the account that it has been taken negative. This information is taken from the Life to DateTimes Account Negative field (DMWNLD) on the Account Activity Fields screen.

This field also indicates whether this account has an active card attached. If a “Y” is displayed, the account does have an active card; if an “N” is displayed, it does not. This information is taken from the Card Status field (ICCSTA) on the Card Management screen in the CIF System. If there are multiple active cards tied to one account, the first active card found will be the one reported.

CTD Times Pd GEM

This field displays the cycle-to-date total for the number of times items for non-sufficient or uncollected funds exceptions have been paid. This information is taken from the Times Paid in Exception File/Cycle-to-Date field (ECTPNC) on the Exception Status Fields screen.

Full Name

This field displays the full name of the account owner (MNFMXI), if the option to do so is turned on. This information is taken from the CIS System.

Neg Limit

This field displays the negative limit of the account. This information is taken from the Negative Limit field (DMNGLM) on the Deposit Additional Fields screen.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are provided by product code, and institution totals are provided at the end of the report. If you would like to see other subtotals, please contact your GOLDPoint Systems representative.


The FDIC report subtotals are based on the number of days negative.

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