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Work Order Status Report (FPSDR156)

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Work Order Status Report (FPSDR156)

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This report must be processed each day during the afterhours. It can then be printed to paper, Sysprint, and/or Report Warehouse (GOLDView).



The Security Change Report is used to inform an institution of changes that were made to its security. These include changes to the company options, employee options, security access for employees, security violations, and security code changes.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR156 Example for an example of this report.




W O Number

This is the 5-digit work order number. The report can be sorted by this field.


This is the title of the work order.


This is the system and priority of the work order.

Date Needed

This is the date that the institution would like the items requested on the work order to be available by.

Date Received

This is the date GOLDPoint Systems received the work order.

Date Assigned

This is the date the work order was assigned to an GOLDPoint Systems employee.

Scheduled Completion

This is the date GOLDPoint Systems expects to have the work order request(s) completed.

Date Completed

This is the date the work order was completed.

Release Date

This is the date the work order request(s) will be available.

Est Billing

This is the expected cost that will be charged to complete the work order.

Actual Billing

This is the actual cost that will be charged for completing the work order.


Institution Totals




Total Unassigned Work Orders

This is the number of work orders for your institution that have yet to be assigned.

Total Assigned Work Orders

This is the number of work orders for your institution that have been assigned.

Total Completed This Month

This is the number of work orders for your institution that have been completed during the current month.  Following this field is the total your institution has been billed so far for the current

completed work orders.

Total Completed Last Month

This is the number of work orders for your institution that were completed the previous month.  Following this field is the total your institution was billed for the work orders completed during the month.


Sort Options

The sort options listed below can be used to sort this report:


80 Completion Status

81 Work Order Number

82 System

83 Priority



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Listed below are the instructions for using these sorts:


Sort key 80 should always be used and listed as first. This sort separates the completed work orders from the uncompleted ones.


Multiple sorts can be used in a single report. Enter the desired sort keys in the Sort Key Fields Order box in the report setup. Always make sure that if the work order number is being used in a multiple sort, then it is listed last; otherwise, nothing else will sort below it.

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