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Waived Service Charge/Deposit Income Report (FPSDR160)

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Waived Service Charge/Deposit Income Report (FPSDR160)

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This report can be run daily in the afterhours to produce the Waived Service Charge/Deposit Income Report as service charges occur, or it can be run at monthend to produce the Monthly Deposit Income Waived Report.



The Waived Service Charge/Deposit Income Report will include almost all afterhours waived service charges (transaction codes 1750/00 / 1780/00). Outbound wire transactions (transaction code 1750/03) are excluded from the report. The report can be sorted by special sort fields 80 (descriptor) and 81 (service charge code).


The Monthly Deposit Income Waived Report reads history for the month and shows service charges and waived service charges. It can be sorted the same way the daily report sorts, and it must be processed at monthend.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: To run the Daily Waived Service Charge Report:


Set Input Records to DM, TG, and MN


To run the Monthly Deposit Income Report:


Set Input Records to DM, DZ, and MN

Set Misc Opts 1: Y


No history miscellaneous options are used on this report; a full month is always used on monthend.

Sort fields:


80 Descriptor (length = 3)

81 Service Charge (length = 2)


Report Column Information

See FPSDR160 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Short Name

This is the short name of the IRS owner of the account, taken from the CIF System.

Service Charge Code

This is the service charge entered on this account and used for this transaction. It is taken from one of the CODE fields (DMSVD) on the Service Charge Information screen (function 27/28). Up to six service charge code fields are available per account.

Service Charge Status

This is the service charge waive option (DMSTS1, DMSTS2). This option only appears on the actual service charge transaction (not the waived transaction.

N - No waive

W - Waive service charge (don’t show on statement)

B - Waive and show both the service charge and the waive on the statement

Transaction Descriptor

This is the descriptor of the transaction.  See function 441/442 for a full list of transaction descriptors for the 1750 and 1780 transactions.

Product Code

This field shows the Product Code (DMPDCD) for the account.

Account Type

This field shows the account type (DMDPTP) for the account.

Employee Number

This field shows the employee number of the teller who did the transaction.

Transaction Code

This field shows the transaction code for the transaction.

Transaction Date

This field shows the date the transaction took place.


This field shows the amount of the service charge or waive amount.


This field shows the description of the transaction.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

The report will sort and subtotal by descriptor and service charge code, along will the standard sort fields.

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