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Card Management Summary (FPSDR004)

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Card Management Summary (FPSDR004)

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This report is generally run monthly in the afterhours. Only one setup of this report can be used.



The Card Management Summary shows all important credit card data from the Card Management screen (function 45/46) in the CIF System.


The sorting options are:


80 Office Number

81 Account Number

82 Household Number

83 Card Number

84 Primary Short Name

85 Product Code

86 Card Type

87 MTD Transactions

88 Card Status


An option is available in this report to show only closed cards or only active cards. Since this report can only be run once, you can use this report to see active cards, then use FPSDR168 to see closed cards.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: If Misc Opts 1= “Y,” then the “open to buy balance” will be included on the report. It is a calculated field based on the “Heloc” card method.


If Misc Parm = “active,” then the report will print only cards that were active within the report’s run month. If the date in the CardLast Used field (ICDCLU) is not within the current month, it will not be included in this report.


If Misc Parm = “closed,” then the report will print all cards with status of 99 or 199.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR004 Example for an example of this report.




Card Nbr

This is the card number derived from the ISO/ANSI number, the card sequence number, and a calculated check digit.

Nbr Seq

This is the card sequence number on this account. A household may have several different types of cards and each is distinguished by this number.

Crd Stat

This is the current status of the card taken from the CIF System.

Iss Freq

This is the frequency in months by which the expiration date should be advanced each time a card is issued. The default is 24 months (2 years).

Crd Type

This is the type of card. The following types are available.

01 ATM Check guarantee card

02 ATM card only

03 Check guarantee card without PIN number

04 Debit card

05 Credit card

Last Used

This is the date the card was last used.

Pin Issued

This tells whether or not a PIN number has been issued for this card.

Exp. Date

This is the date the card will expire based on the Issue Freq and Date Card Last Issued fields on the Card Management screen in the CIF System.

Hold Code

Up to a total of seven hold codes can be selected. The first three will print. The codes will be displayed in order of priority as specified by the institution. Up to three hold codes will be printed for each account. If none are selected, the line will remain blank.

Fee $$

This is the amount charged for each card issued.

Fee Cd

This is the code for the fee above.

Mtd Tran

US -- Frgn

This is the month-to-date transactions for both US and Foreign categories. The transactions that are updated are inquiries, deposits, withdrawals, transfers, purchases, and returns.

Household Number

This is the household number for the account, pulled from the CIF System (MNHHLD).

Primary: Account

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) of the primary account associated with this card.

Secondary: Account

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) of the secondary account associated with this card.


This is the product code of the account associated with this card.

Current Bal

This is the current balance of the account associated with this card. This is taken from the Current Balance field on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2) if it is a deposit account. If it is tied to a loan, it will be the loan balance.

Primary Name

This is the primary name of the account associated with this card.

(Secondary Name)

This is the secondary name of the account associated with this card.

Primary Address

This is the primary address of the account associated with this card.

Primary City/State/ZIP

This is the conclusion of the primary address of the account associated with this card.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are provided in the following categories:


1.Number of card records

2.Number of primary cards issued

3.Number of secondary cards issued

4.Month to Date on US transactions

5.Month to Date on Foreign transactions

6.Total Cards issued (2 + 3)

7.Total transactions (4 + 5).

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