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Wire Transaction Report (FPSDR187)

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Wire Transaction Report (FPSDR187)

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This report must be processed daily in the afterhours. Multiple setups of this report can be processed.



This report lists details for all wire transfers posted to and from customer accounts either from your Web site or through EFT GOLD. Debits on outbound wires will be processed with transaction code 1750/03. Credits for inbound wires will be processed with transaction code 1780/03. Both post using TORC 374 (EFT GOLD originated). For accounts using account analysis and wire transfer services, the costed services #19 (Wire Transfers In) and #20 (Wire Transfers Out) will be updated. Fees can also be processed for both inbound and outbound wires using descriptors chosen by your institution. All wire transactions originated by GOLDPoint Systems will be processed using the teller number stored in institution option FTLR. This teller number must be set up by GOLDPoint Systems in order to process any wire transaction.


This report’s standard sort is first by whether the wire was inbound, outbound, or a General Ledger wire. Then the report will sort by account number, and within account by company number and wire sequence. Optionally, the report can be sorted by account number.



Note: GOLDWriter reports can be processed for wire records using the "WF" data fields. Some of those mnemonics are listed in the report field descriptions in the Report Column Information section below.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Set the Critical field from "1-4" for no additional subtotals.


Set Misc Opts 1 to "Y" to sort by account number.


For subtotals by each account, set the Critical field from "1-14." Subtotals for inbound and outbound wires will be calculated for each account. Otherwise, a grand total at the end will show all wires for the day.


For subtotals by transaction type, set the Critical field from "1-5."


Report Column Information

See FPSDR187 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

For inbound or outbound wires posted during the day, this is the office (DMACTO), account (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG). For General Ledger wires, this is the full General Ledger account number.


This is the type of wire transfer (WFWDIR). Possible entries are "I" (Inbound), "O" (Outbound), and "G" (General Ledger).

Owner or G/L Acct Name

For inbound and outbound wires, this is the IRS owner’s short name (SHNAME), pulled from the CIF System. For General Ledger wires, this is the General Ledger account description.

Wire Amount

This is the amount of the inbound or outbound wire (WFAMTX).

IMAD Information

This is a number assigned to the wire by GOLDPoint Systems at the time the outbound wire is sent. This is a unique number and is used for verification purposes. The number indicates the date, the logical terminal identification, and a daily sequence number. Outbound wires will have both IMAD and OMAD numbers; inbound wires will only have the IMAD. This information is stored in three fields: WFIDTE, WFILTM, and WFINBR.

OMAD Information

This is a number assigned to a wire at the time the wire is received by the Federal Reserve Bank for both outbound and inbound wires. The number indicates the date, the logical terminal identification, and a daily sequence number. This information is stored in five fields: WFOLTM, WFONBR, WFODTE, WFOTIM, and WFOFED.


This is the routing transit number of the bank sending the wire transfer (WFSABA).

Sender Name

This is the full name of the person sending the wire transfer. This may or may not be the IRS owner (WFIDIN).

Company #

This field shows the company number (WFKCOM). However, it will only be present if the wire was originated on the Web, and the company uses company numbers for business functions.

Wire Seq

This is the sequence number for a wire (WFWNUM). For recurring wires this sequence number will be reused each time a wire is originated. Companies on the Web can use recurring wires in their cash management functions.

Waive Fee

If the fee for the outbound wire was waived, this field will be "Y." If the fee was charged, it will be "N." This information is pulled from the WFWVOT field.


This is the hour, minute, and second (in military time) the wire was transferred (DZTIME), pulled from the Deposit History record.


This is the routing transit number (WFRABA) of the bank receiving the wire transfer.

Receiver NM

This is the full name of the person receiving the wire (WFIDIN #4). This may or may not be the IRS owner.


This is a 16-digit code used to cross reference the message to your source document (WFSREF).

Tran ID

This field indicates what type of account was used for the wire transfer, DDA or FRB routing number, etc. (WFTTYP).


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are provided by wire type. Totals are provided by institution.

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