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Currency Transaction Report (FPSDR163)

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Currency Transaction Report (FPSDR163)

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If the CTR option (OPTX CTRO = “Y”) is on, then this report must be processed daily. If the option is not turned on, no records will be available to print on the report.



The Currency Transaction Report gathers all currency transactions made during the day for each Social Security number for a particular customer. All accounts that have the same IRS owner Social Security number will be combined together. The default cash amount for the report is $10,000.00, but can be changed to any limit you decide to use.


This report can also be processed in detail. If you print the detail report, all transactions will appear on the report, regardless of total cash amounts or the limit set.


This report can be processed multiple times per institution, but always sorts by Social Security number and cannot be processed by office or any other criteria. This report can also be processed for the week (the past seven days) using the default amount specified by your institution. The report will only pull Social Security numbers that meet the limit for the entire seven-day period.


You can also process the inquiry transaction (1045/00) manually for a specific Social Security number for up to seven days. The inquiry screen looks like this:




The results of the search will look like the screen sample below.


When running cash in or cash out transactions, and the total cash is greater than $10,000.00, the information screen shown above will automatically appear. This screen indicates all the transactions that have been processed to meet the CTR limit. (The online screen uses a $10,000.01 minimum limit and is not optional.) The following screen can be printed by the teller for audit purposes, and is the indicator that a CTR form should be created for this customer.





GOLDPoint Systems Only: Two miscellaneous options are available for report printing on the Currency Transaction Report (FPSDR163).


Misc Opts 1 Misc Opts 2


N Y Prints a weekly report with $10,000.00 or parm option value.

N N Prints a daily report with $10,000.00 or parm option value.

Y N Prints a daily detail report for the entire day.

Y Y Prints a weekly detail report for the entire week.


The amount will be $10,000.00 unless the parm option has a value in it or you want a full detail daily or weekly report, which you will select using the Misc Opts field. The weekly report is 7 days from the current run day. An example of this would be from January 12, 2004 to and including January 5, 2004.


To set up the detail report, Misc Opts 1 must be set to “Y.”


To set up the weekly report, Misc Opts 1 and 2 must be set to “Y,” the sort key fields order must have 80 and 81, and the critical field should be 1-9. The report will print from the current run date back 7 days. The weekly report can be processed daily (for a week), or on a specified day of the week.


To change the default limit of $10,000.00 to another amount, enter the amount in the first 10 spaces of the Misc Parm field. To set up a $5,000.00 limit, the data should be entered 0000500000.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR163 Example for an example of this report.




Social Security #

This is the social security number or the federal identification number of the person or organization making the cash transaction. This number must be entered by the teller when the transaction is performed if it is not associated with an account. If the cash transaction is processed with an account number, the IRS owner’s social security number will be used.

If no number is displayed in this field, it means that a Social Security number was not entered with this transaction. Transactions with blank social security fields will be shown first on the report, if a single transaction of $10,000.01 or more was done.  Transactions with blank social security fields and amounts less than $10,000.01 will not be listed on the report.


This is the name and address of the person or organization whose Social Security number or federal identification number appears on these lines of the report. If the system cannot locate a name for this Social Security number, the fields will be left blank.


This is the office number, account number, and check digit for the deposit or loan accounts.

Cash In

This is the amount of cash in for this account on the date the report was run.

Cash Out

This is the amount of cash out for this account on the date the report was run.

Tran Date

This is the date the last transaction was processed on the summary report. If printing the detail report, transaction dates will be printed for each amount listed.

Teller #

This is the teller number of the last teller to do a currency transaction on the date the report was run.


This is the total amount of cash in and cash out for the Social Security number listed.

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