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Account Reclassification Report (FPSDR123)

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Account Reclassification Report (FPSDR123)

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This report must be run daily in the afterhours.



The Account Reclassification Report is used to show both deposit and loan accounts that have had a file maintenance done to them that changed the general ledger account number to which they post. The system has moved the balances of those accounts from the old general ledger account number to the new number. It displays the data field that was modified to cause the change along with the old and new values for that field. It also displays the old and new general ledger account numbers. It is mainly used in the accounting department to be able to trace why balances are moving in the general ledger accounts.


Separate totals for deposits and loans are available by changing the report setup to total by Account Type (Account Type = D or L). Submit a work order if you would like this set up.


For more details on Loan Reclassification, see section 2.1 in the Loan Manual. The sorting and subtotal fields that may be used for this report are as follows:



Data field changed (25)


Balance moved (7)


Account number (8)


Account type (1)


Report Column Information

See FPSDR123 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


Acct Type

The account type will be a "D" for deposit accounts and an "L" for loan accounts.

Account Number

This is the customer account number that had the data changed and was reclassified.

Amt #

This is the Autopost amount number for the funds that were moved.

Amount Desc

This is the description of the Autopost amount number.

Balance Moved

This is the balance of the account for the particular amount field that was moved or reclassified as a result of the change.

Data Field Changed

This is the field that was changed on the account that caused the reclassification.

Old Data

This is the previous value of the data field that was changed.

New Data

This is the new value of the changed data field.

Old Gen Led Account Number

This is the G/L account number where the money came from.

New Gen Led Account Number

This is the G/L account number where the money went.

Employee Number

This is the employee number of the person who changed the data field.


Totals and Subtotals

The totals on this report are the number of items and the total amount. No miscellaneous options are used for this report.

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