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Stored Value Card Transaction Report (FPSDR406)

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Stored Value Card Transaction Report (FPSDR406)

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This report runs daily in the afterhours.



The Stored Value Card Transaction Report contains information about stored value card transactions. Two transactions in GOLDTeller involve stored value cards: tran code 1470-00 (Stored Value Card) and 1470-01 (Stored Value Card Act, Journal Entry). These transactions are designed to work in conjunction with a third party that supplies the hardware and Web interface to load a monetary value onto a card. For more information on these transactions, see the “Special Transaction” section of Appendix A in the Loan System Manual.


The detail lines of the report contain the following information:


Teller (Number of the employee running the transaction)

Card Number

Card Holder

Load Amount


Load Fee

Card Fee

Total Fees



The report can be sorted and subtotaled by credit card number.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR406 Example for an example of this report.


Teller Number

This is the teller identification number of the employee who performed the transaction.

Credit Card Number

This is the number of the stored value card on which the transaction occurred.

Customer Number

This is the name of the customer. When the transaction occurs, the teller enters this information.

Loan Amount

This is the amount of money stored on the card. It is automatically calculated during the transaction (Cash In or Check In minus the Card Fee).

Reversal Amount

If there is a reversal of the transaction, the amount reversed will display in this column.

Loan Fee

This field never changes and is pulled from the Misc Parm field of the Report Setup.

Card Fee

This calculated field shows the fee amount entered by the teller when the transaction occurred minus the Load Fee.

Total Fees

This is the fee amount entered by the teller when the transaction occurred.

Total Amount

This is the total amount of fees plus the Load Amount on the card.

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