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Stop Check Report (FPSDR054)

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Stop Check Report (FPSDR054)

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This report is run in the afterhours as desired by your institution. Consult your GOLDPoint Systems banking consultant about how you want to schedule this report.



The Stop Check Report lists all accounts with stop payment records. A miscellaneous option is available to show only new stops. The report includes the following information:


Account number

Date stop was created

Stop check amount

Beginning/ending check numbers

Date of check

Reason for stop or check payee

Written or verbal request for stop

Post suspect indicator

Stop expiration date

Stop purge date

Employee or teller number of person who entered stop payment

Number of checks in a range of checks that have been stopped



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Turn on the misc opts 1 field to show only new stops on the report. Based on the misc parm field, all new stops since the last reporting cycle will be shown.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR054 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACT0), account number (DMACTA),  and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Creation Date

This is the date this stop payment record was entered on the system.  This information is taken from the Date Stop Entered field (DTDTSP) on the Check Stop Payment screen (function 15/16).

Short Name

This is the IRS owner's short name on the account taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

Check Amount

This is the amount of the check for this stop payment record. This information is taken from the Check Amount field (DTAMCK) on the Check Stop Payment screen (function 15/16).

Check Number Beginning / Ending

This is actually two columns that display the beginning and ending check numbers that should be stopped by the system.  If both of these fields are used, they create a range of check numbers that, if presented, will be stopped.  If only a beginning check number is shown, only that check number will be stopped.  A zero in the ending check number column indicates no check number was entered in that field.  This information is taken from the Beginning Check Number field (DTCKNB) and the Ending Check Number field (DTCKRG) on the Check Stop Payment screen (function 15/16).

Date of Check

This is the date the check was written, taken from the Date Check Written field (DTDTCK) on the Check Stop Payment screen (function 15/16).


This is the payee and reason information pulled from the Pay to the Order Of field (DTPTOO), or the payee name, and the Reason field (DTDSCR) on the Check Stop Payment screen (function 15/16).  This field will be blank if no information was entered in the appropriate fields on the Check Stop Payment screen.

Wrtn Rqst

A “Y” in this column indicates that the customer made a written request for this stop payment .  An “N” indicates that the request was made verbally.  This information is taken from the Written Request? field (checkmark = DTWTN; no checkmark = DTVERB) on the Check Stop Payment screen (function 15/16).

Post Susp

A “Y” in this column indicates that suspect checks will be automatically posted when presented.  An “N” indicates that suspect checks will be rejected, and you must decide individually whether to post or return the check.

# Hit

This only applies if a range of check numbers has been entered. If both the Check Number Beginning and Ending columns contain a number, this field displays the number of checks in the specified range that have already been presented and stopped.

Expire Date

This is the date this stop payment record will expire.  If the check is presented after this date, it will be posted to the account. This information is taken from the Date Stop Expires field (DTSPEX) on the Check Stop Payment screen (function 15/16).

Purge Date

This is the date this stop payment record will be purged from the system. It is 14 days after the expiration date. This information is taken from the Date to Purge field (DTSPRG) on the Check Stop Payment screen (function 15/16).

Emp#/Tllr ID

This is the teller or employee number of the person who entered this stop payment record.  This information is taken from the Stop Entered By field (DTEMPX) on the Check Stop Payment screen (function 15/16).


Totals Provided

Institution totals are provided for the total dollar amount and the number of stops in the institution.

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