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Proxy Report (FPSDR113)

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Proxy Report (FPSDR113)

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This report is normally run at year-end in the afterhours for those institutions desiring a proxy report.



The Proxy Report computes the number of votes for each applicable account. One vote is allowed for each $100 (default amount) or the amount specified in the miscellaneous parameter field of the report setup.


Several options are available for this report, as explained below.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: MISC OPT (Set = "Y"):


1 (RSMS01=X"80")

Every account having a balance greater than zero gets one additional vote.

2 (RSMS01=X"40")

Subtract a penny before divide is done.

3 (RSMS01=X"20")

Give one vote to any positive accounts having zero votes.



1 Char. 1-5

Right Justified. This field contains the balance amount needed per vote. Give only the dollar amount. If unspecified, the default of 100 (for $100) is used.

2 Char. 7-11

Right Justified. This field contains the amount to subtract from the current balance (instead of a penny) before the divide when MISC> OPT> 2 is Y (10001 is used for $100.01).

3 Char 12

If "-", chars. 7-11 will be added instead of subtracted.

4 Char 14-33

Left Justified. "USER_=_________________" where "_" is the user number, and "_________________" is a left-justified code of 1-14 digits. If this code matches the code in the user "_" field of the account, the account will be selected for proxy votes.

5 Char 56-60

Right Justified. This field contains the maximum number of votes allowed per person. If unspecified, there is no maximum.




Example 1




56, 60

This example overrides the default of 100 to allow one vote for each $500 in the account. It also sets a maximum of 1000 votes per person. Note that both entries are right justified.


Example 2

MISC PARM  9999-

POSITION-> 7, 12


If miscellaneous option 2 is "Y," instead of subtracting a penny, this example would add 99.99 to each account before the divide. If character position 12 was blank, it would subtract 99.99.


Example 3


USER 8=3


14, 20



This example would compute proxy votes only for those accounts that have 3 in the user 8 field of the account.


Critical is from 1 to 4 for the institution. If sort key field 80 is used, then critical is from 1 to 9 (the length 5 is added to the 4). If sort key field 81 is used, then critical is from 1 to 27. Only one sort key field should be used.


Sort key field 80, SSHEX (length 5) = sort by social security number (IRS).


Sort key field 81, SHNM (length 23) = sort by short name (IRS).


Report Column Information

See FPSDR113 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Short Name

This is the short name of the IRS owner of the account taken from the CIF system (SHNM).

Social Security #

This is the social security number (SSNUM) of the IRS owner of the account. It is taken from the CIF system.

Current Balance

This is the current balance of the account, taken from the current balance field (DMCRBL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Unit = #XXXXX

In the header line, this is the dollar amount needed per vote (PXYVAL). It is divided into the current balance to compute the votes.


This is the number of votes (VOTES) computed by dividing the current balance by the dollar amount per vote.

User Code

This is the user code (XUCODE), from the MISC PARM field of the report setup (function 24). When selected, it is used to select only the accounts that have the matching code in the user-defined field 1 to 8 (DMUSER) of the Miscellaneous Fields screen (function 37/38). If more than one user defined field is needed, separate reports must be used.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Totals and subtotals reported are:



Number of votes

Number of accounts.


Subtotals are provided for each social security number or each short name, whichever sort field is requested.


If no sort key fields are requested, only the institution totals will be reported.


Institution totals are provided at the end of the report.

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