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Exception Items Report (FPSDR096)

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Exception Items Report (FPSDR096)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours. GOLDPoint Systems suggests this report be processed in at least two ways. Process one report for today's exceptions, and process the second report for exceptions that were handled yesterday. This report is produced from the GOLD ExceptionManager application. You can archive the reports from that software, or use these afterhours reports for your permanent records.



The Exception Items Report prints the contents of all exception records in GOLD ExceptionManager for the processing date listed on the top-left corner of the report. A report can be processed for each day afterhours is run. An extra day is added to the print date to ensure that the report includes all lockbox payments that reject on a holiday; otherwise, if an institution was open on a holiday, the report might not include all of the accounts from lockbox payments if they reject.


The report shows all pertinent information about the accounts that have exception items. Deposit account exceptions will show important counter information for number of returns, number of times paid negative, balances, monetary holds, uncollected funds, over the counter holds, date opened, date dormant, date negative, etc.


Loan exception items will show data pertinent to loan accounts, such as collateral description, payment method, credit limit, auto payment information, etc.


This report can be sorted by Social Security number, account number, or by deposit or loan exception. The default sort is by tax ID, account number, and sequence number. If this sort is used, all exceptions for a particular tax ID will be sorted together within account number. The report also calculates what the current balance will result in if all the exception items were paid for both loan and deposit exceptions.


This report can be processed for specific departments by setting the applicable miscellaneous options defined below. You may need to have separate reports for just employees, or just loan exceptions, etc. Up to eight repetitions of this report can process the same night. If more than eight are set up, they will not process.


Miscellaneous option 1 - If this option is set to "Y," informational imaging exceptions will be included on the report. This option will only be used if GOLDPoint Systems sends an all items file to your check processor. (OPT9-RTCK is set to “Y” or OPTG-CIFR is set to “Y.”) If these options are not set, you should not set this miscellaneous option either.


Miscellaneous option 2 - If this option is set to "Y," only employee and officer/director accounts will show on the report (Employee Account? field (DMDEMP) and Officer/Director? field (DMOFAC) are both checkmarked on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen in CIM GOLD).


Miscellaneous option 3 – If this option is set to "Y," employee accounts will be excluded from the report.


Miscellaneous option 4 – If this option is set to "Y," the handled items for the previous days exceptions will be printed. GOLDPoint Systems recommends you set up a report using this option for your permanent records. It is a shortened version of the report showing the teller numbers, the primary exception reason, and action taken.


Miscellaneous option 5 – If this option is set to "Y," only deposit exceptions will show on the report.


Miscellaneous option 6 – If this option is set to "Y," only loan exceptions will show on the report.


Miscellaneous option 7 – If this option is set to "Y," only TORC 33 will show on the report.



GOLDPoint Systems Only:


Social security sort

Sort Key Fields 81

Critical From 1-11

Account number sort

Sort Key Fields80

Critical From1-9

Exception account type

Sort Key Fields82

Critical From1-5


The Pull fields are not available on this report.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR096 Example for an example of this report.


The first section of the report contains the following fields that pertain to the account owner’s information.


Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and the check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.


This is the household number (MNHHLD) where the account resides.

Tax ID Number

This is the tax ID or Social Security number for the IRS owner of the account (MNSSFI).

Home Phone

This is the home phone for the address tied to the account (MNPHON1).


This field lists various information about the IRS owner and the account. Based on checkbox fields, categories, and hold codes, these notes will appear on the report.

For deposit accounts, notes can be employee (DMDEMP), officer (DMOFAC), business (DMPERS), truncated (DMTRUN), imaged (DMIMAG), proof (DMDMEM), commercial account analysis (DMAANL), and allow negative (DMDNEG).

For loan accounts, notes can be employee (LNHLD1=70), officer (LNHLD1=69), proof (LNMEMO), repossession (LNGENL=81,85), non-performing (LNNONP), non-accrual, charge off, and collateral description.


Both deposit and loan exceptions will list the following information:



This is the full name for up to four owners of the account from the CIF file that are tied to this account.


This is the ownership description from the CIF file for each of the names that appear on the report.

Work Phone

This is the work phone from the CIF file for the name listed.

Other Phone

This is the "other" phone from the CIF file for the name listed (for example, fax machine number, cell phone number, etc.).

Email Address

This is the e-mail address from the CIF file for the name listed.

OTC Holds

This is the total of the over-the-counter holds on the account.

Monetary Holds

This is the total of the monetary holds on the account.

Credit Limit

This is the total credit limit for the loan account listed.

Uncollected Funds

This is the total of the uncollected funds on the account.

Credit Used

This is the credit limit already used for the account listed.

Available Balance

This is the available balance of the account.

Remaining Line

The is the remaining credit limit available for the account.

Current Balance

This is the current balance of the account.


The next section contains the following fields pertaining to the deposit account that has had exception items for the day of the report.


Date opened/Date closed

This is either the date the account was opened or the date the account was closed.

YTD Ret Chk

This is the total amount of the returned checks year-to-date for the account.

Prod Code

This is the product code on the account.


This is the type code for the overdraft account tied to this account (for example, "D" for deposits, "L" for loans, "G" for General Ledger). Up to five overdrafts can be listed.

Overdraft Accts

This is the account number of the associated overdraft type.

Remaining Funds

This is the amount remaining for the associated overdraft account.

Last Exception

This is the date the last exception occurred on this account.

YTD Pd Neg

This is the total number of items that have been paid from the exceptions file year-to-date.

Stmt Cycle

This is the statement cycle for the account.

Date Negative

This is the date the account was last forced negative.


This is the total number of overdraft transactions that have posted to the account.

Acct Rep

This is the account representative code and name that is responsible for this account.

Date Last Dep

This is the date of the last deposit to this account.


This is the total number of returned ACH items year-to date on the account.

Hold Codes

These are all the hold codes that have been placed on this account.


The loan exceptions for this same area of the report are as follows:


Date Opened

This is either the date the account was opened or the date the account was closed.

Loan Type

This is the type of the loan account.

Officer Code

This is the officer code or name that is responsible for this account.


This is the type of the account that is used for automatic repayments to the loan (S=savings and K = checking).

Transfer Account

This is the transfer account number if the account is set up to process overdraft transfers to a deposit account.

Available Funds

This is the amount of the available funds in the transfer account.

Due Date

This is the next due date for the account.

Loan Class

This is the classification code for the account.

Auto Repay Code

This is the code that is on the account to specify when the auto repayments should be made to the account if it has a transfer account tied to it.

Maturity Date

This is the date the that the account will mature.

Gen Category

This is the general category code assigned to the account.

Repay Percent

This is the percent used based on the balance to make the payments on the transfer account.

Repay Amount

This is the repayment amount that will be made on the transfer account when it is due.

Security Acct#

This is the account number for the deposit account that is securing the loan account.

Last Active

This is the date that the account last had activity.

Active Type

This is the code for the type of the last activity that occurred on the account.

Last Payment

This is the date that the payment was last made on the account.

Hold Codes

These are the hold codes that have been placed on the account.

Source Bank Acct

This is the account number from which the automatic payments will come.

Last Late Chrg

This is the date that the account last had a late charge assessed to it.

Pmt Method

This is the code for the payment method on the account.

Auto Payment Cycle

This is the code that represents when the automatic payments will be made.

Bank R/T #

If this account is set up for automatic ACH payments, the bank’s routing transit number will be listed here.

Last Exception

This is the date the last exception occurred on the account.

YTD Ret Chk

This is the total number of returned checks as of year-to-date.

Extra Principal

This is the amount that has been set up on the loan for extra principal reductions.


The next section of the report contains the information pertaining to both deposit and loan exception items (except when noted).



This is the sequence number for the item in the exceptions file.


This is the source of the transaction. The sources are system-defined and are self explanatory, such as CHK for checks, POD for proof of deposit, LN for loans, RTN for returns, ACH, and ATM.


This is the transaction code, transaction modifier, and transaction origination code.

Check #

This is the check number if the item is a check transaction.

Trace Nbr

This is the trace number of the item.

ACH Name

This is the name that was sent in the ACH record, and not necessarily, the name as it appears on the account.

Tran Amount

This is the amount of the transaction.


This is the status of the item at the time of processing. If a fee was charged and the item rejected, "FEE" will be displayed in this field. If the item was posted by the host, "H/POST" will be displayed in this field.

Pay at Tran

This is the payable balance at the time the transaction was presented in the afterhours for posting (not applicable for loan exceptions).

Bal After Post

This is what the current balance of the account will be if the item is posted to the account in GOLD ExceptionManager (not applicable for loan exceptions).


The reasons for the exceptions will be listed below the above information. Every exception for the particular account will be listed here in sequence number order. When all exceptions for the account are printed, a new section will begin with a new number and its details.


See FPSDR096 Example for an example of this report.


The following fields will only appear on the report when miscellaneous option 4 is set to "Y":


Fee Amount

This is the amount of the fee assessed to the exception item.

Exception Date

This is the date of the exception item.

Posting Tllr

This is the teller number that handled the exception item.

Decision Tllr

This is the teller number of the teller who decided how to post the transaction.


This is the decision that the decision teller made on this exception item.

Primary Exception Reason

This is the primary or the override exception reason on the exception item.

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