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Management Summary Report (FPSDR021)

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Management Summary Report (FPSDR021)

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This report is run in the afterhours as desired by your institution. Contact your GOLDPoint Systems banking consultant about how you want to schedule this report.



The Management Summary Report generates a summary of deposit accounts showing category totals for daily, monthly, and yearly activity.


A page break will occur after every level one total. For example, if you total by product code within office numbers, there will be a page break after each office. Reports that have only one level of subtotals (e.g., totaling by type code only) will not have page breaks.


This report can be run by a number of parameters. Please contact your GOLDPoint Systems banking consultant about how you want this report sorted. You can have several different management summaries depending on what you use the sort options for.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: To obtain the proper description for the product code setup or report category, the first character of the miscellaneous parameter must be the displacement. The displacement is the length of the sort field in front of the product (04) or category (80) sort.


For example, if the product (040) is the first sort field, a "0" (zero) or blank must be in the first character of the miscellaneous parameter.


If the product is the second sort field and the length of the first sort field is three, a "3" must be in the first character of the miscellaneous parameter.


If the product is the third sort field and the length of the first sort field is two and the second is seven, a "9" must be in the first character of the miscellaneous parameter.


This also works the same way for the report category summary sort field (80). For institution totals only, the miscellaneous parameter is left blank.


If Misc Opt 1 is set to "Y," the average balance will be displayed in place of today’s balance.


If Misc Opt 2 is set to “Y,” then the report will be created as an e-mail. For the e-mail report, the Sort fields must be “1” to “80” with the Critical fields set to “1-8.” The Report Categories field must be “1-Regular,” “2-Certificate,” or “3-IRA.”


Report Column Information

See FPSDR021 Example for an example of this report.




Ending Balance

1) If this category is Today, this is the total ending balance for today. If this category is Avg Bal, this is the average balance for the month cycle.

2) This is the total balance at the beginning of the month or the ending balance of last month.

3) This is the total balance at last yearend.

Total Deposits

1) This is the total deposit activity today.

2) This is the total deposit activity this month.

3) This is the total deposit activity this year.

NOTE: Deposit activity includes earnings, which are also represented in the Earnings Credited column.

Total Withdrawals

1) This is the total withdrawal activity today.

2) This is the total withdrawal activity this month.

3) This is the total withdrawal activity this year.

Net Activity

These fields represent the difference between the deposit and withdrawal total fields on each line.

Earnings Credited

1) This is the total earnings credited today.

2) This is the total earnings credited this month.

3) This is the total earnings credited this year.

NOTE: Total Deposits includes earnings, which are represented here.

Average Rate

This is the weighted average rate for this group of accounts, each rate being weighted by the ending balances of accounts that day. This will be different if the average balance is used in place of the ending balance.

Avg Term

This is the weighted average term for this group of accounts, each term being weighted by the ending balances of accounts that day. This will be different if the average balance is used in place of the ending balance.

Accounts Opened

1) This is the total number of accounts opened today.

2) This is the total number of accounts opened this month.

3) This is the total number of accounts opened this year.

Accounts Closed

1) This is the total number of accounts closed today.

2) This is the total number of accounts closed this month.

3) This is the total number of accounts closed this year.

Net Change

These fields represent the difference between the Accounts Openedand Accounts Closed fields on each line.

Total Opn Accts

This is the total number of accounts in this subtotal group.


E-mail Report Information

The following fields will be sent in the e-mail report format:


Outstanding Number of Accounts

Outstanding Amount

Daily Gain/Loss

Month-to-date Gain/Loss

Year-to-date Number of Accounts

Year-to-date Amount

Month-to-date Number of Accounts Opened

Month-to-date Number of Accounts Closed

Average Current Balance

Average Prior Year-end Balance

Today’s Debits

Today’s Credits

Month-to-date Debits

Month-to-date Credits

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