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Notification of Automatic Trans - Reg E Report/Notices (FPSDR060)

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Notification of Automatic Trans - Reg E Report/Notices (FPSDR060)

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This report can be run daily or at monthend in the afterhours, depending on the report setup. The monthend process includes all transactions for the full month. The daily process only prints the transactions processed that day. Multiple setups cannot be run for the same period for this notice.



The Notification of Automatic Transactions - Reg E report and notices show the ACH, ATM, GOLDPhone, and Internet transactions on deposit accounts. If an account is a passbook account or does not receive a monthly statement, it can receive a Reg E notice. Up to four transactions can be printed on one notice. If more are present, another notice will be created.


Regulation E notices are rendered notices, meaning that pre-printed forms are not used and headings, logos, etc. are printed at the time the notice is created.


Regulation E is a Federal Reserve regulation that outlines the rules and procedures for electronic funds transfers and provides guidelines for issuers and sellers of electronic debit cards.


An option is available to print on the front and back of each notice where you can print your Regulation E information. This information must be added to your form.


The accounts that are reported are selected by checking the date of Last ACH Activity (DMDACH) and the date of Last ATM Activity (DMDATM) (both fields are found on the Deposits > Account Information > Activity Information screen). For daily processing (reading tranlogs), either one of these dates must contain the current processing date. For monthend processing (reading history), either one must indicate activity within the current month. If the date is within these parameters, then the history or tranlogs are checked for the ACH or ATM indicator. Transactions with either of these indicators turned on are shown on the report.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: This report can be sorted by mail code (90) and any other standard sort.


Three options are used in this program. Two options are institution options and the third is an option for the report setup.


If OPTJ has REDR on, then only debits are reported. If OPTK has PANP on, then statement accounts can be included.


If you want Reg E notices only on accounts that will not receive a statement this month, set PanP to “Y” and Misc Opts 1 to “N.”


If PanP = “Y” and Misc Opts 1 = “Y,” then all accounts will receive a notice.


On the report setup, the word “REPORT” in the Misc Parm field indicates that this is a report setup and not a notice setup. If Misc Opts 1 is “Y,” then the statement cycle code on the accounts is not checked and every account with ACH/ATM activity will be selected.


If notices are run daily, Misc Opts 16 should be set to “N” and the input records should be “DM,” “MN,” and “TG.”


If notices are run at monthend, Misc Opts 16 should be set to “Y” and the input records should be “DM,” “MN,” and “DZ.”


It Misc Opts 1 is set to “N,” then only those accounts not receiving a statement in the current month will be considered when Reg E notices are generated.


If Misc Opts 2 is “Y,” then GOLDPhone and Internet transactions will be put on the notice.


If Misc Opts 3 is “Y,” internal payroll deposits will be excluded from the Reg-E notices. When the third miscellaneous option is set, all internal payroll deposits (TORC 350) will be excluded from the report and notices.


If Misc Opts 4 is “Y,” the notification of automatic transaction notices will print on the front and back. If you want the notices to use only the front, option 4 must be set to “N.”


Note: Do not create more than one notice setup that would run at the same time. Doing so will cause transactions to be reported a multiple number of times on the same notice.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR060 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Short Name

This is the short name of the IRS owner of the account taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

Tran Tp (Debit or Credit)

This field will show DEBIT or CREDIT, depending on the type of transaction.


This is the amount of the transaction.


This is the date of the transaction.


This is a description of the transaction or the name of its source.


For ATM and POS transactions, this will show the city and state where the transaction took place.


Notice Column Information

See FPSDR060 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Name and Address

This is the name and address of the IRS owner of the account taken from the CIF System.


This is the amount of the transaction.


This is the date of the transaction.


This will show CREDIT or DEBIT, depending on the type of transaction.


This is a description of the transaction or the name of its source. If city and state information is present for the displayed transaction, that information will be printed on the next line (see example above).


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Totals are provided in the following categories:


Number of transactions

Amount of transactions

Number of deposits

Amount of deposits

Number of withdrawals

Amount of withdrawals

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