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Earnings Posting Report (FPSDR028)

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Earnings Posting Report (FPSDR028)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours.



This report prints a list of all open accounts that have had a transaction using code 1710, Interest Posting, for the processing day. Interest information is printed for each account. Online interest posting teller transactions can be excluded by setting an option. The report includes the following information.


Account Number

Customer Name

Household Number

Interest Rate

Date Last Accrued

Interest Frequency Code

Interest Method Code

Current Interest

Year To Date Interest

Disbursement Method

Check Number or Transfer Account Number where the interest was posted


The report can be sorted by transaction origination code or employee number.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: To set up the transaction origination code sort, the critical should be 2.

To set up the employee number sort, the critical should be 5.

To exclude online interest posting teller transactions, miscellaneous option 1 should be set to "Y" (yes).


Report Column Information

See FPSDR028 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Customer Name

This is the short name of the IRS owner of the account, taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

Household Number

This is the household number for this account taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).

Interest Rate

This is the current interest rate on the account, taken from the Int Ratefield (DMRATE) on the Deposit Interest Fields screen (function 9/10).

Date Last Accrued

This is the date up to which interest was last accrued. This information is taken from the Dt Accrd To field (DMDTAC) on the Deposit Interest Fields screen (function 9/10).

Int Frq

This is the interest frequency code for this account, taken from the Int Frequency field (DMINFQ) on the Deposit Interest Fields screen (function 9/10).

Int Mth

This is the interest method code for this account, taken from theInterest Method field (DMINIT) on the Deposit Interest Fields screen (function 9/10).

Current Interest

This is the current interest amount that has been posted to the account, transferred to another account, or sent to the customer in a check, including any withholdings assessed at the time the interest was paid.

Year-To-Date Interest

This is the amount of interest credited to the account during the current calendar year, taken from the YTD Interest field (DMYTDI) on the Deposit Interest Fields screen (function 9/10).

Dsp Mth

This column shows the interest disbursement method used. It will contain one of the following: 1) ACT - posted to account 2) CHK - withdrawn by check 3) XFR - transferred to another account.

Check # or Transfer Account Number

This further clarifies the Disbursement Method. On accounts with ACT, this field will be blank. For CHK, this field will contain the check serial number used to pay this interest. For SFR, this field will contain the account number to which the interest was transferred.

* Please refer to the documentation for this field in Vol. 1: Master Menu Functions, for complete information on the codes that may be found in this column.


Totals Provided

The following totals are provided at each subtotal break and at institution totals:


number and amount posted to accounts

number and amount paid by check

number and amount transferred to other accounts

combined number and amount posted, paid by check and transferred

total YTD interest disbursed

total amount withheld from the current interest paid

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