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Roll, Renew, Mature, and Holds File Maintenance Journal (FPSDR193)

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Roll, Renew, Mature, and Holds File Maintenance Journal (FPSDR193)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours.



This File Maintenance Journal lists selected file maintenance performed on each account for the processing day. It will sort by office number into two sections. The first section lists all Roll, Renew, Mature transactions (tran codes 1180) and all File Maintenance transactions (tran codes1900 and 1910) using specific fields listed below. The second section lists all File Maintenance transactions (tran codes1900 and 1910) using specific fields listed below.


Section one includes information for 1180, 1900, and 1910 transactions for the fields listed below:


1 - DMPDCD: product code

2 - DMPDDS - product description

3 - DMOPBL - opening balance

4 - DMRATE - interest rate

5 - DMLMRD - last mature/roll date

6 - DMLSTT - last mature term

7 - DMLMTP - last mature term type

8 - DMMTDT - maturity date

9 - DMCRM - term

10 - DMTMTP - term type

11 - DMNXPC - next product code

12 - DMNXEF - next product effective date

13 - DMPNCD - penalty code

14 - DMACRI - accrued interest

15 - DMDTAC - date last accrued to


Section two includes information for all file maintenance (1900 and 1910) transactions for the fields listed below:


1 - DMHACC - hold action code

2 - DMHACF - hold action effective date

3 - DMHACV - hold action event

4 - DMHACX - hold action expiration date

5 - DMMHAM - money hold amount

6 - DMMHDS - money hold description

7 - DMMHEX - money hold expiration

8 - DMSCYC - statement cycle code

9 - DMNCDT - next cycle start date

10 - DMDILP - date interest last paid

11 - DMINTT - interest this term


Options are available to limit this report. The options allow you to specify the report to include retirement accounts, employee accounts, and teller #9999.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: To include retirement accounts on the report, set Misc Opts 1 to "Y." This option can be used in conjunction with the employee account option.


To include employee accounts on the report, set Misc Opts 2 to "Y."


To include teller #9999 on the report, set Misc Opts 3 to "Y."


Report Column Information

See FPSDR193 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This column displays the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Teller/ Emp Number

This column displays the number of the employee who performed this transaction. If an asterisk is displayed, an GOLDPoint Systems employee processed this transaction.

Tran Code & MD

This column displays the transaction code used to run this transaction. If a modifier was used, it is also displayed in this column as TTTT MM, where TTTT is the tran code and MM is the modifier.


This column displays the transaction override level, if one was used on this transaction. These levels are:

TOV - Teller override

SOV - Supervisor override

OOV - Officer override.


This column displays the time that the transaction took place in HH.MM.SS format, where HH is the hour, MM is the minute and SS is the second.

Field Description

This column displays the field descriptions for the fields listed on the first page of this document that were changed in this transaction.

Seq #

If the Field Description on this line is one of several possible fields of that type, such as one of the 12 possible hold codes, this column will contain the number of the field that was changed. For example, if the field that was changed was hold code 3, the description for the hold code field will appear in the Field Description column, and "3" will appear in this column to indicate that hold code 3 was changed.

This field may appear several times on one transaction since several fields may be changed at one time.

Field Description

This is the field description of the field that changed. Only 15 spaces are available in this column, so descriptions may be truncated. If several fields are changed in one transaction, this field will appear for each of the changed fields.

Old Data

This is the data found in the field prior to the change. If this column is blank, the field was empty or zero prior to this change. If several fields are changed in one transaction, data will appear for each of the changed fields.

New Data

This is the data found in these fields after the changes were made; it corresponds to the current data in the fields listed on the first page of this document. If this field is blank, the field was cleared or deleted with this transaction.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Totals are given for the number of accounts, types of accounts, and all individual fields.

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