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Escheatment Notices Report (FPSDR074)

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Escheatment Notices Report (FPSDR074)

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Escheatment notices are typically run monthly or quarterly but can be run as requested.



The Escheatment Notices report is automatically generated each time an escheatment notice is created. The report provides general information about each account considered dormant. The escheatment notice is used to warn customers that accounts have become dormant and money remaining in the account may be turned over to the state. The period of time before an account is considered dormant is an institution-defined number of months past the last customer contact date. Certificates of deposit in their first term will not be considered for escheatment notices.


Sort field 81 is available for this report. It is the escheatment year. It allows the different years of escheatment to be sorted separately. The notice must always sort on office and account number and must have critical positions through office and account. For example:


Sort fields 01, 02 should be critical 1-11.

Sort fields 81, 01, 02 should be critical 1-13.

Sort fields 01, 81, 02 should be critical 1-13.



Note: You are responsible for transmitting the escheatable information and funds to your state.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR074 Example of this report.




Account Number

This is the account number that is going dormant.

Product Code

This is the current product code applied to this account.


This is the name and address of the account owner.

Social Sec #

This is the social security number of the account owner.


This is the current balance of the account as of the run date.

Last Contact

This is the last customer contact date. It is used to determine when to create an escheatment notice.

Maturity Date

This is used only on CDs.

Dormant Term

This field is used to determine when to set dormant status.

Term Type

This is the type of dormancy in terms of months, quarterly, etc.

Eschtmnt Date

This is the date of escheatment.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Totals are the current balance of the listed account as of the date the escheatment is run.

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