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Retirement Service Charge Report (FPSDR044)

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Retirement Service Charge Report (FPSDR044)

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This report is generally run daily in the afterhours. Consult your customer service representative if you want to schedule this report differently.



The Retirement Service Charge Report checks the Account Master Screen for the Retirement (RT) feature. If the account is a retirement account a check will be made to see if any service charges have been assessed to the account. If a service charge has been assessed, they will show on this report. A retirement account that has had no service charges assessed will not show on this report.


This report can also run when retirement service charges are assessed (generally once a year).


The following sort fields are available:


80 Plan Number

81 Service Charge Code

82 Service Charge Frequency

83 Service Charge Criteria Code

84 Household Number


Report Column Information

See FPSDR044 Example for an example of this report.




Household #

This is the household number for the account taken from the CIF

System (MNHHLD).


This is the Retirement Plan number in which the account has

been assigned. This is taken from the CIF System.

Service Charge #/ Frq

This is the service charge number and the frequency given to the

account for processing the service charges. File maintenance is

allowed. Valid frequencies are:

0 Never

3 Quarterly

6 Semiannually

12 Annually

Crit Code

This is the code that specifies which accounts are assessed a

service charge. File Maintenance is allowed. Valid criteria codes


0 No service charge

1 All accounts service charge

2 Newest account service charge

3 Oldest account service charge

4 Account with lowest balance service charged

5 Account with lowest rate service charged

6 Account with highest balance service charged

7 Account with highest rate service charged

Assessed Charge

This is the amount of the service charge that has been assessed

to the retirement account.

Amount Prepaid

This is the amount that the IRS owner prepays for the year to take

care of the service charges that will be assessed to the retirement


Prepaid Remaining

This is the amount of funds that remain after the service charge

has been assessed to the retirement account.

Account to Charge Fee

This is the account in the plan that will be debited for the service


Amt Of Fee To Charge Acct

This is the amount to charge the account on the service charge

minus the prepaid amount that the owner pays for the year.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are provided by office number for each of the following areas on the report.


Number of accounts with Retirement service charges assessed

Total amount of assessed charges

Total amount prepaid

Total amount prepaid remaining

Total amount of fee to charge the account


Institution Totals are also provided for the areas listed above.

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