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Check Reconciliation Report (FPSDR178)

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Check Reconciliation Report (FPSDR178)

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This report can be run monthly, daily, weekly, or quarterly in the afterhours. The default report cycle is monthly.



Check reconciliation records are found in the Check Reconciliation Menu screen (function 3/4) in GOLD Services (Application 8). The Check Reconciliation Report lists all checks based on the following institution options:



Does institution use check reconciliation? This option must be set to "Yes" in order to use this report.


Days to keep check reconciliation records. Based on this option, you can run reports for longer periods of time. For example, if you keep the records for 90 days, a quarterly run of this report may be useful.


Drop check recon by issue date? If this option is set, check reconciliation records are dropped by the date issued instead of the date cleared. This may affect the frequency you should use to process the report.


This report includes the following fields:


Check number (CRCHK#)

Sequence number (CRSEQ2)

Payee name (CRPYNM)

Account number (CRACTA)

Originating office (CRBORG)

Check issued (CRDTCK)

Amount issued (CRCKOT)

Cleared date (CRDTPT)

Amount cleared (CRCKIN)

Check status (CRTPC1)

Source of check (CRSRCE)

Teller number (CREMPX)

Cross reference check number (CRREF)

Transmitted date (CRXMDT)

Transmitted time (CRXMTM)


If Misc Opts 1 is set to "Y," the report will list the first account on the check and, when applicable, the cross reference check number on an additional line.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: To include the first account number (CRACTA) on the check, set Misc Opts 1 to "Y." This option also allows the report to include the Cross-Reference check number field (CRREF), General Ledger Account #, transmitted date (CRXMDT), and transmitted time (CRXMTM) pulled from the Check Reconciliation Detail screen (function 61/62) in GOLD Services (Application 8).


To run the report weekly, set Misc Opts 2 to "Y."


To set up specific dates, enter the desired date range in the Misc Parm field. The field is 17 digits long. For example, to see records for Jan. 1, 2005 through Dec. 31, 2005, enter the following:


"20050101 20051231"


The following list includes all of the sort options available for this report:


Sort Key




Check issued date



Amount issued



Teller number



Source of check



Check status



Originating office number



Account number



Note: If you do not want page breaks between fields, make allCritical fields "1-4."


Report Column Information

See FPSDR178 Example for an example of this report.




Check Number

This column displays the check number (CRCHK#).


This column displays the check number sequence (CRSEQ2). If more than one check exists with the same check number, each additional check has a sequence assigned to it.

Account Number Payee Name

This column displays the name of the payee of the check (CRPYNM). IfMisc Opts 1 is set to "Y," the first account number (CRACTA) on the check record is displayed under the payee name.


This column displays the office number (CRBORG) in which the transaction occurred that originated the check. If the check was created during the afterhours (by GOLDPoint Systems), this field will be zero.

Cross Ref Number

This column displays the cross reference check number, in the event of a rerun of checks. This field will only appear on the report if Misc Opts 1 is set to "Y" and a cross reference number is entered in the Cross-Reference field (CRREF) on the Check Reconciliation Detail screen (function 61/62) in GOLD Services (Application 8).

Check Issued

This column displays the date that was printed on the check (CRDTCK).

Amount Issued

This column displays the amount that was printed on the check (CRCKOT).

Cleared Date

This column displays the date the check cleared (CRDTPT).

Amount Cleared

This column displays the amount that was cleared (CRCKIN).


This column contains a unique one-letter code that indicates the current check status. The following are the available codes:

Blank - Check is outstanding

C - Check has cleared or been transmitted

S - A stop payment has been placed

V - Check has been voided

X - Cross reference to another check record


This column displays a unique three-letter code that indicates the system used to create the check. Valid entries for this field are as follows:

ADM - Administrative checks (manually entered)

INT - Deposit account interest checks

LIP - Loans-in-process disbursement checks, tran codes 430 or 431

RSD - Reserve disbursement checks, tran codes 440 or 460

TLR - Online teller checks

CDT - Customer directed transfer checks

MAT - Maturity CD checks

RET - Retirement account distributions checks

A/P - Accounts payable originated checks

EXT - External posting check reconciliation check

M/O - Money orders

CCK - Cashier’s checks

IMM - Immediate (online check creation: Application 10, function 17, then 4)

Teller #

This column displays the employee number of the employee who last updated the check record. If it was last updated by the system, "9999" will appear in this field. For deposits and loans, "999999999" will be displayed.

G/L Acct #

This is the General Ledger account number the check was posted to.

Transmitted Date

If you transmit to a third-party processor, this is the date the check was transmitted.

Transmitted Time

If you transmit to a third-party processor, this is the time the check was transmitted.

Check Description

If Misc Opts 3 is set to "Y," the report will print the 30-character check description on an additional line.

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