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History Pre-Drop Report (FPSDR077)

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History Pre-Drop Report (FPSDR077)

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This report can be run upon request in the afterhours.



The History Pre-Drop Report shows the contents of every field contained in every record dropped. For this reason, the report will most likely be very long. At monthend history records are dropped based on the retention field on each account. Required history is dropped in the afterhours the last week of the month. If you desire to print this data it can be set up.


The report is typically sorted by account number.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR077 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Short Name

This is the IRS owner's short name taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).


This is the transaction type which can be either M for Monetary or F for File Maintenance.


This is the date that appears in the key of the DZ history record.

Tran Date

This is the date the transaction was actually run.


This is the time that the transaction was run in HH:MM:SS format.


This is the key sequence of the record, if more than 1 exists for the same date and time.


This is the record name that was processed in this history record.  This field is only used when F/M changes are made to a record, to specify which type of record was changed.


This is the 4 digit transaction code that was used for this transaction.


This is the 2 digit modifier for this transaction.


This is the Transaction Origination Code for this transaction.


This shows that the transaction was a correction.

Transaction Description

This shows the description used for this transaction.  If left blank, the default for the institution will be displayed.

Tran Amount

This is the amount of the transaction, if monetary.  This is the amount that will be added to the balancing amount for each history dropped in order to balance the account.



Note: Two different error messages can be printed on this report:


1) ***ACCT NOT FND*** WOULD HIT SUSPENSE. This error will print when autopost parameters can resolve down to a General Ledger account number, and it is either not on file or is inactive.

2) ***ACCT NOT FND*** WOULD HIT ERROR LIST will print when autopost parameters can not resolve down to a General Ledger account number.


These types of errors will also be printed on the General Ledger Autopost Error List (FPSDR013).


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Totals are provided in the following categories:


Number of histories dropped

Number of File Maintenance transactions

Number of Monetary items

Net amount of all histories on the account (This is to help in balancing.)

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