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Rate and Maturity Report(s)/TFR MR, SI, and YD (FPSDR057)

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Rate and Maturity Report(s)/TFR MR, SI, and YD (FPSDR057)

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This report is generally run at monthend in the afterhours but can be run as desired by the institution.


Each institution is set up to receive the following reports through this program when they are converted to the Deposit System. If changes are desired, please contact your customer service representative.


1. Deposit Rate by Company Report (Sort options 80, 81)

2. Maturity by Type Report (Sort options 82, 6; Misc parm “M”; Misc option 1 = “Y”)

3. TFR Schedule MR (Sort options 83; Misc parm “TFRMR”)

4. TFR Schedule SI (Sort options 84, 85; Misc parm “TFRSI”)

5. TFR Schedule YD (Sort options 86, 85; Misc parm “TFRYD”)



The Rate and Maturity Report will generate several different reports, according to how it is set up. These include TFR schedules MR (Rate and Maturity), SI (Supplemental Information), and YD (Yield on Deposits).


The reports generated are designed to report deposit account balances and weighted earnings rates either for interest ranges—in increments of a quarter of a percentage point—or for maturity dates—by year and month of maturity.


Deposit Rate Report

Deposit rate reports will be broken down by interest rate and may also be subtotaled/sorted by office, deposit type (savings or certificate), and product code.


Deposit rate reports are designed to report totals only. Although the report is designed to report totals only, detail lines of the accounts falling into each subtotal break may also be printed to verify that the totals reported are correct.


See FPSDR057 Example for an example of this report.




# Accts

This is the number of accounts falling into the interest range or other subtotal criteria.

Month Year Columns

These are the combined account balances for the total number of accounts on this line, that will mature in the indicated month and year.


This is the total account balance for all accounts falling in the interest range or other subtotal criteria.

Weighted Average Rate

This is the weighted average rate for the interest range or other subtotal criteria being reported.


Maturity Reports

Maturity Reports will be broken down by maturity date, and may also be subtotaled/sorted by office and product code.


Maturity reports are designed to report totals only. Although the report is designed to report totals only, detail lines of the accounts falling into each subtotal break may also be printed to verify that the totals reported are correct.


See FPSDR057 Example for an example of this report.




# Accts

This is the number of accounts falling into the maturity month or other subtotal criteria.

Total Balance

This is the total account balances for all accounts falling in the maturity month or other subtotal break being reported.

Weighted Avg Rate

This is the weighted average rate for the maturity month or other subtotal criteria being reported.


TFR Schedule MR (Rate and Maturity)

TFR Schedule MR is designed to report account balances and weighted average interest rates for accounts falling into several general categories of accounts. These are:


1. Fixed rate certificates (CD feature set, variable rate not set)

2. Noninterest bearing accounts (General category 9)

3. Variable rate certificates (CD feature set, variable rate set)

4. NOW and Super NOW (General category 8)

5. Passbook (Statement frequency 0)

6. Regular savings (General category 5)

7. Borrowings (Repo Agreement; General category 12)

8. Jumbo accounts (General category 11)

9. Unknown or other


Within these categories, balances and interest rates are broken down according to maturity date with the total combined account balance and weighted average interest rate for the General category reported appearing in the right-most column of the report.


This is an institution totals report; therefore, no other sorting or subtotaling options are available for this schedule.


See FPSDR057 Example for an example of this report.


TFR Schedule SI (Supplemental Information)

TFR Schedule SI reports combined account balances and weighted average interest rates for both fixed and variable rate certificate accounts falling into one of the following categories. Original maturity (term) of:


1. 6 months or less

2. 6 months through 1 year

3. 1 year through 3 years

4. more than 3 years


TFR Schedule SI also breaks down all accounts according to account balances, as follows:


1. less than or equal to $100,000

2. greater than $100,000, categorized as either:

a) negotiable certificate (original maturity of 3 months or less and subcategory 16)

b) other (original maturity greater than 3 months)

3. IRA or KEOGH accounts (general category 4 or IRA feature).

4. Deposits in lifeline accounts (subcategory 17).


Following these totals, the number of accounts with balances of $100,000 or less and certificate accounts with balances greater than $100,000 are also reported.


The TFR Schedule SI is designed as a totals only report. However, a detail line for each account may also be printed for verification.


See FPSDR057 Example for an example of this report.


TFR Schedule YD (Yields and Deposits)


TFR Schedule YD (Yields and Deposits) is designed to report account balances and average interest rates for deposit accounts opened, renewed, or matured within the last seven days of the current month.


1. Fixed rate, fixed term certificate accounts are further classified as those with balances less than $100,000.00, and greater than $100,000.00. They are broken down according to original maturity (term).

2. Following this information, all newly opened NOW and Super NOW (general categories 8 and 10) and MMDA (general category 6) accounts are reported.

3. Like the Deposit Rate and Maturity reports, the TFR Schedule YD is designed as a totals-only report. However, a detail line for each account may also be printed for verification purposes.


See FPSDR057 Example for an example of this report.

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