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CIF File Maintenance Journal Report (FPSDR084)

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CIF File Maintenance Journal Report (FPSDR084)

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This report should be run daily.



This report displays changes made during the day to the institution's CIF files. The information in this report is stored online within the CIF System (function 25). For a report of only the card record changes, please see the CIF File Maintenance Report (FPSDR182).


The CIF File Maintenance Journal Report displays the following information. Note: If the transaction was performed or processed by an GOLDPoint Systems employee, an asterisk will appear adjacent to the teller number:


1. Household Number

2. Employee Number

3. Time

4. Field Number

5. Record Sequence

6. Field Description

7. Old Data

8. New Data


This report has Report Warehouse indexes set up for household and for teller number. The default for sorting is household, date, and time.


Sorting options are as follows:




80 Household


81 Date


82 Time


83 Employee number



A report option to show only file maintenance done by GOLDPoint Systems employees is available.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: The misc parm field in the Report Setup can be used to de-select certain ranges of fields. The first seven bytes represent the seven record ranges.


1 = 00-999 NM Household Master

2 = 1000-1999 NA Household Address

3 = 2000-2999 ND Household Name

4 = 3000-3999 NT Household Account

5 = 4000-4999 NR Household Batch Report

6 = 5000-5999 IC Household Card

7 = 6000-6999 AO ATM Options


A “Y” in the corresponding position will skip all F/M To fields in that range. For example: NNYNNNN will skip all changes to Household Name fields. To report only file maintenance done by GOLDPoint Systems employees, set Misc Opts 1 to “Y.”


Report Column Information

See FPSDR084 Example for an example of this report.




Household Number

This column displays the household for which the data was changed.

Empl ID

This column displays the employee number of the individual who changed the CIF data. If an asterisk is displayed, an GOLDPoint Systems employee processed this transaction.


This column displays the time that the data was changed in HH.MM.SS format.


This column displays the field number for the data that was changed.


This column displays the record sequence (the data entered in the Datafield in the CIF system screens to get to individual records) for the information displayed. For records that occur only once, such as household information or ATM options, the field is left blank. For example, if the first name in the household was changed, this field would display 001. For combined account setups, this field displays the report and statement numbers. For example, 0004-0001 would be displayed for changes to the first combined account analysis setup.


This column displays a description of the field that was changed. This helps determine what field was changed, so you don't have to memorize the list of field numbers.

Old Data

This column displays the contents of the field before it was changed. If there was no data present before, this field will be blank.

New Data

This column displays the contents of the field after the change was made. If the field was cleared out, this field will be blank.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Totals and subtotals are provided for the number of tranlogs printed.

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