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Daily Office Balancing Report (FPSDR194)

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Daily Office Balancing Report (FPSDR194)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours.



The Daily Office Balancing Report helps with the balancing process by showing a summary of cash- and check-related transactions. This report will run by office. Miscellaneous options are not used on this report. The report will sort by office number and then by teller number within each section of the report.



Note: This report should typically be run in conjunction with the Daily Institution Balancing Report (FPSDR195), which provides detail by office and totals by institution for each report section.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: To include retirement accounts on the report, set Misc Opts 1 to "Y." This option can be used in conjunction with the employee account option.


To include employee accounts on the report, set Misc Opts 2 to "Y."


To include teller #9999 on the report, set Misc Opts 3 to "Y."


The report includes the following 12 sections, each described in further detail below. See FPSDR194 Example for an example of each section:


1. Ending Cash Balances

2. Bank Deposits

3. Bank Withdrawals

4. Sell Cash to Branch

5. Buy Cash from Branch

6. Teller Cash Transfers

7. Teller Checks In Transfers

8. Teller Shorts

9. Teller Overs

10. G/L Cash Disbursements

11. Checks Cashed

12. Checks Issued/Voided



Note: If there is no data for a particular section on the report, then that section will not be generated.



1. Ending Cash Balances

Section 1, Ending Cash Balances, provides a comparison between the total teller ending cash drawer balances and the General Ledger cash account balances. Any differences between the ending cash drawer balances and the General Ledger are displayed in the Difference column.


Teller ending cash drawer balances are read from the Deposits > Definitions > Teller Information screen in CIM GOLD for all tellers whose office number matches the office for which the report is being generated. General Ledger cash account balances are read from the General Ledger System (Application 1), based on the G/L account that is set up in institution option GLCA (General Ledger Cash Account).


If your institution has a General Ledger cash account for each teller within an office (G/L account sub-field #4 contains the teller number), the balances and differences in this section will be displayed per teller. For institutions that have a General Ledger cash account for each office rather than per teller, the report will list the office GL account balance followed by the ending cash drawer for each teller in that office. The cumulative totals for the office will then show if there is any difference between the ending cash drawer balances and the General Ledger for that office.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Institution Option GLCA (General Ledger Cash Account) must contain the 17-digit General Ledger account number that represents the teller cash balances.


Valid parameter substitutions when entering the GL cash account number are "BR" and "TL." It should be noted that while “BR” can be entered as a parameter substitution in sub-field 3 of the GL account structure, the report will automatically pull teller cash balances per branch, regardless of what is entered as a branch number in sub-field 3 of the GL account number. “TL” can only be used as a parameter substitution in sub-field 4 of the GL account structure.


Based on the account number specified in option GLCA, when the GL teller cash balances are pulled on Section 1 of the report, the balances will be consolidated by GL account sub-fields 1, 4, and 5, except where sub-field 4 represents teller numbers. If sub-field 4 represents teller numbers, a separate cash balance will be provided per teller.


The following is an example of how you would set up option GLCA for an institution that uses GL account sub-fields 1-4 (with a 17-digit GL account structure of 11.2222.3344444..) and has a separate cash GL account per office. If the GL cash account is "1010 BR," then option GLCA should be set up as "00010100BR0000000."


2. Bank Deposits

Section 2, Bank Deposits, lists a total per teller of all bank deposit transactions for the day. A separate column lists the total of cash deposits and check deposits. A third column shows the total of all cash and check deposits for each teller. The cash deposits total consists of all 1560 and 1559 cash transactions run by each teller. A 1560 transaction code is reflected as a positive amount in the cash deposits total, while a 1560 correction is reflected as a negative amount. A 1559 cash transaction code is reflected as a negative amount in the cash deposits total, while a 1559 cash correction is reflected as a positive amount. The check deposits total consists of all 1559 check transactions run by each teller. A 1559 check transaction code is reflected as a negative amount in the check deposits total, while a 1559 check correction is reflected as a positive amount.


3. Bank Withdrawals

Section 3, Bank Withdrawals, lists a total per teller of all bank withdrawal transactions for the day. The bank withdrawals total consists of all 1570 transactions run by each teller. A 1570 transaction code is reflected as a negative amount in the bank withdrawals total, while a 1570 correction is reflected as a positive amount.


4. Sell Cash to Branch

Section 4, Sell Cash to Branch, lists a total per teller of all sell cash to branch transactions for the day. The sell cash to branch total consists of all 1572 transactions run by each teller. A 1572 transaction code is reflected as a negative amount in the sell cash to branch total, while a 1572 correction is reflected as a positive amount.


5. Buy Cash from Branch

Section 5, Buy Cash from Branch, lists a total per teller of all buy cash from branch transactions for the day. The buy cash from branch total consists of all 1573 transactions run by each teller. A 1573 transaction code is reflected as a positive amount in the buy cash from branch total, while a 1573 correction is reflected as a negative amount.


6. Teller Cash Transfers

Section 6, Teller Cash Transfers, lists a net total per teller of all cash transfer transactions for the day. The teller cash transfers total consists of all 1520, 1521, 1530, 1531, 1540, 1541, 1550, and 1551 transactions run by each teller. Transaction codes 1520, 1521, 1540, and 1541 are reflected as a negative amount in the teller cash transfers total, while corrections are reflected as a positive amount. Transaction codes 1530, 1531, 1550, and 1551 are reflected as a positive amount in the teller cash transfers total, while corrections are reflected as a negative amount.


7. Teller Checks In Transfers

Section 7, Teller Checks In Transfers, lists a total per teller of all check in transfer transactions for the day. The teller checks in transfers total consists of all 1555 transactions run by each teller. A 1555 transaction code is reflected as a positive amount in the teller checks in transfers total, while a 1555 correction is reflected as a negative amount.


8. Teller Shorts

Section 8, Teller Shorts, lists a total per teller of all teller short transactions for the day. The teller shorts total consists of all 1510 and 1511 transactions run by each teller. A 1510 or 1511 transaction code is reflected as a negative amount in the teller shorts total, while a 1510 or 1511 correction transaction is reflected as a positive amount.


9. Teller Overs

Section 9, Teller Overs, lists a total per teller of all teller over transactions for the day. The teller overs total consists of all 1500 and 1501 transactions run by each teller. A 1500 or 1501 transaction code is reflected as a positive amount in the teller overs total, while a 1500 or 1501 correction transaction is reflected as a negative amount.


10. G/L Cash Disbursements

Section 10, G/L Cash Disbursements, lists a total per teller of all G/L cash disbursements for the day. The G/L cash disbursements total consists of all 1800 transactions by cash out and 1810 corrections by cash in run by each teller. Both transactions (1800 by cash out and 1810 correction by cash in) are reflected as positive amounts in the G/L cash disbursements total.


11. Checks Cashed

Section 11, Checks Cashed, lists a total per teller of all check cashing transactions. This total consists of any 1400 transaction with any modifier. The Check In amount is reflected as a positive amount, and corrections are subtracted from the total.


12. Checks Issued/Voided

Section 12, Checks Issued/Voided, provides a summary of the total amount and quantity of checks issued and/or voided that particular day. Check amounts and quantities are pulled from the GOLD ExceptionManager System and are listed per source code. To assist with balancing the amount of checks issued back to the General Ledger, duplicate voided checks are eliminated from the totals in this section. If a check has been transmitted before it is voided, the system will write out a new check reconciliation record with the same check number but a different sequence number. Because there are two records in the system for the same check (one for the issued check that has been transmitted and one for the void) when we generate the totals for this section of the report the cleared status check and the void status check will be treated as one check.


Information for Section 1: Ending Cash Balances

Section 1 provides a comparison between the total teller ending cash drawer balances and the General Ledger cash account balances.





This is the teller number of the employee for which cash balances from the Deposit System and the General Ledger are being displayed.

Ending Cash Balances

This is the total of the ending teller cash drawer balances for that office. Teller ending cash drawer balances are pulled from the Net Drawerfield on the Deposits > Definitions > Teller Information screen in CIM GOLD.

G/L Balance

This is the balance in the office’s General Ledger cash account at the time the report is run. The General Ledger cash account is set up in institution option GLCA.


This is the difference between the Ending Cash Balances and G/L Balance columns on this report. If sub-field 4 in the General Ledger account number structure represents the teller number, this difference will be shown per teller. Otherwise the difference will only be shown for the entire office.


Information for Section 2: Bank Deposits

Section 2 shows the total of all bank deposit transactions.





This is the teller number of the employee who performed the deposit transactions.


This is the total amount of cash deposited by the teller. Cash deposits are accounted for on the system when a teller runs a 1560 transaction or 1559 correction transaction code by cash. 1560 correction transactions and 1559 transactions reduce the total amount of cash deposits.


This is the total amount of money deposited by check by the teller. Check deposits are accounted for on the system when a teller runs a 1559 correction transaction by check. 1559 transactions reduce the total amount of check deposits.


This is the total amount of cash and check deposits made by the teller.


Information for Section 3: Bank Withdrawals

Section 3 provides a total per teller of bank withdrawal transactions.





This is the teller number of the employee who performed the bank withdrawal transaction.


This is the total amount of bank withdrawals made by the teller. Bank withdrawals are accounted for on the system when a teller runs a 1570 transaction code. Withdrawals are reflected as negative amounts. 1570 correction transactions reduce the total amount of bank withdrawals.


Information for Section 4: Sell Cash to Branch

Section 4 provides a total per teller of sell cash to branch transactions.





This is the teller number of the employee who performed the sell cash to branch transaction.


This is the total amount of cash sold to the branch by the teller. The amount of cash sold to the branch is accounted for on the system when a teller runs a 1572 transaction code. Cash sold to the branch is reflected as a negative amount. 1572 correction transactions reduce the total amount of cash sold to the branch.


Information for Section 5: Buy Cash From Branch

Section 5 provides a total per teller of buy cash from branch transactions.





This is the teller number of the employee who performed the buy cash from branch transaction.


This is the total amount of cash bought from the branch by the teller. The amount of cash bought from the branch is accounted for on the system when a teller runs a 1573 transaction code. Cash bought from the branch is reflected as a positive amount. 1573 correction transactions reduce the total amount of cash bought from the branch.


Information for Section 6: Teller Cash Transfers

Section 6 provides a total per teller of cash transfer transactions.





This is the teller number of the employee who performed the teller cash transfer transactions.


This is the total amount of cash transferred by the teller. Cash transfers are accounted for on the system when a teller runs a 1520, 1521, 1530, 1531, 1540, 1541, 1550, or 1551 transaction code. Transaction codes 1520, 1521, 1540, and 1541 are reflected as negative amounts in the teller cash transfers total, while corrections are reflected as positive amounts. Transaction codes 1530, 1531, 1550, and 1551 are reflected as positive amounts in the teller cash transfers total, while corrections are reflected as negative amounts.


Information for Section 7: Teller Checks In Transfers

Section 7 provides a total per teller of check in transfer transactions.





This is the teller number of the employee who performed the check in transfer transaction.


This is the total amount of check in transfers made by all tellers in each office. Check in transfers are accounted for on the system when a teller runs a 1555 transaction code. A 1555 transaction code is reflected as a positive amount in the checks in transfers total, while a 1555 correction is reflected as a negative amount.


Information for Section 8: Teller Shorts

Section 8 provides a total per teller of teller short transactions.





This is the teller number of the employee who performed the teller short transactions.


This is the total amount of short transactions run by the teller. Teller shorts are accounted for on the system when a teller runs a 1510 or 1511 transaction code. Teller shorts are reflected as negative amounts. 1510 or 1511 correction transactions reduce the total amount of teller shorts.


Information for Section 9: Teller Overs

Section 9 provides a total per teller of teller-over transactions.





This is the teller number of the employee who performed the teller-over transactions.


This is the total amount of over transactions run by the teller. Teller overs are accounted for on the system when a teller runs a 1500 or 1501 transaction code. Teller overs are reflected as positive amounts. 1500 or 1501 correction transactions reduce the total amount of teller overs.


Information for Section 10: G/L Cash Disbursements

Section 10 provides a total per teller of G/L cash disbursement transactions.





This is the teller number of the employee who performed the G/L cash disbursement transactions.


This is the total amount of G/L cash disbursements run by the teller. G/L cash disbursements are accounted for on the system when a teller runs an 1800 transaction by cash out or an 1810 correction by cash in. G/L cash disbursements are reflected as a positive amount.


Information for Section 11: Checks Cashed

Section 11 provides a summary of the total amount of checks cashed that particular day by the institution.





This is the teller number of the employee who performed the check cash transactions.


This is the total amount of check cashing transactions run by the teller. This is a 1400 transaction with any modifier. The amount of a check cashing transaction is shown as a positive amount. Any corrections are shown as negative on this report and are subtracted from the total.


Information for Section 12: Checks Issued/Voided

Section 12 provides a summary of the total amount and quantity of checks issued and/or voided in the office each day.





This field is a three-character code that defines where the checks were originated. Some examples of what you could see in this field are "TLR" for a teller-originated check, "A/P" for an Accounts Payable check, or "GTP" for a GOLDTrak PC check.

Amount Issued

This is the total amount of checks that have been issued in the office that day.

Nbr Issued

This is the total quantity of checks that have been issued in the office that day.

Amount Voided/Cross Ref

This is the total amount of checks that have been voided in the office that day.

Nbr Voided/Cross Ref

This is the total quantity of checks that have been voided in the office that day.

Net Total

This is the net amount of checks issued in the office that day. The net total is equal to the difference between the amount issued and the amount voided.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are provided by office for each section of the report. Institution totals for each section of the report are generated on a separate report, the Daily Institution Balancing Report (FPSDR195).

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