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Regulation -D- Report (FPSDR011)

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Regulation -D- Report (FPSDR011)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours.



The Regulation -D- Report is a totals-only report. It prints accumulated personal and non-personal account totals. Accounts go through a series of selection criteria to determine the category in which they belong. The next section explains the types of accounts and the report sections in which they are placed.


Special sorting options are not available for the report. It is based on the general category and features on each account. Accounts with a general category 12 are not used for this report and will not appear in any of the Regulation -D- columns. Totals for general category 12 accounts will only appear in the Unclassified Accounts column on the report.


A month-to-date average balance and a quarter-to-date average balance report can be set up to process for your institution by using miscellaneous options.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Misc Opt 1 will use the month-to-date average balance for all totals by setting the run parameter to monthend. Misc Opt 2 will use the quarter-to-date average balance for all totals by setting the run parameter to quarterly.



Note: If you select one of these miscellaneous options, a subtitle will appear on the report (below the title) to indicate that the report shows the monthly average balances or the quarterly average balances.


Account Type Explanation-Left Side of the Report

See FPSDR011 Example for an example of this report.




Total Savings & Checking

This is the Total Savings and Total Other-lines 4 and 11.

Regular Savings

These are regular savings accounts, which have a “5” in the General Category field (DMGENL) and do not have “CD” or “CK” entered in theFeature field on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

MMDA Accounts

These are money market accounts, which have a “6” in the General Category field (DMGENL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Total Savings

This is the total number of savings accounts at the institution-lines 2 and 3.

Total Negative Savings

This is the total number of savings accounts that have a negative balance.

Savings Accts With Balances Greater Than or Equal To $100,000.00

These are the totals for savings and money market accounts with balances greater than or equal to $100,000.00 which have a “5” or “6" in the General Category field (DMGENL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Telephone Funds and CDT

These are telephone funds and customer-directed transfer accounts. Each must have a “7” in the General Category field (DMGENL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

NOW Accounts

These are negotiable order withdrawal accounts. Each must have either an “8” in the General Category field (DMGENL) or “CK” in the Featurefield on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2). These accounts are not counted in the Telephone Funds and CDT, Super NOWs, or Non-Interest Bearing (DDA) columns.

Super NOWs

These are super negotiable order-withdrawal accounts Each must have a “10” in the General Category field (DMGENL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Non-Interest Bearing (DDA)

These are non-interest bearing demand deposit accounts. Each must have a “9” in the General Category field (DMGENL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Total Other

This is the total number of accounts from lines 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Total Negative Other

This is the total number of negative balance accounts from lines 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Total Time Deposits

These are the totals for all certificate accounts (CD feature turned on).

Non Per Term Less Than 18 Months

These are non-personal certificate accounts with a term less than 18 months. An account is non-personal if the Personal Account? field (DMPERS) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2) is blank.

Non Per Term Equal To or Greater Than 18

These are non-personal certificate accounts with a term that is equal to or greater than 18 months. An account is non-personal if the Personal Account? field (DMPERS) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2) is blank.

Per Term Less Than 30 Months

These are personal certificate accounts with a term less than 30 months. An account is personal if the Personal Account? field (DMPERS) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2) is checkmarked.

Per Term Equal To or Greater Than 30 Months

These are personal certificate accounts with a term equal to or greater than 30 months. An account is personal if the Personal Account? field (DMPERS) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2) is checkmarked.

CD Accts with Balances Greater Than or Equal To $100,000.00

This is the total of all certificates of deposit from line 13 with an account balance of $100,000.00 or more.

Unclassified Accounts

These are accounts that have general categories not used in any other line of the report. They also do not have the CD feature turned on, and GOLDPoint Systems is unable to classify them in any reporting category. This line will also total all general category 12 accounts (these accounts are not used on this report). If information appears on this line, and the accounts are not general category 12, it is an error and each account must be corrected individually.

Total Savings and Time Deposits

This total includes the total savings and certificates from lines 1 and 13 above.


Report Column Information-Top of Report

See FPSDR011 Example for an example of this report.




Personal Accounts - Nbr of Accts

This is the number of accounts that have a checkmark in the Personal Account? field (DMPERS) for this category.

Personal Accounts - Subtotal

This is the subtotal of all personal account balances for this category.

Non-Personal Accounts -

Nbr of Accts

This is the number of accounts that display a blank box in the Personal Account? field (DMPERS) for this category.

Non-Personal Accounts - Nbr of Accts

This is the number of accounts that display a blank box in the Personal Account? field (DMPERS) for this category.

Totals - Nbr of Accts

This is the total number of personal and non-personal accounts for this category.

Totals - Balance

This is the total account balances of all personal and non-personal accounts for this category.

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