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Weekly Issue/Replace Cards Report (FPDATPRO)

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Weekly Issue/Replace Cards Report (FPDATPRO)

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The Weekly Issue/Replace Cards Report is generated either weekly (on Saturday) or bi-weekly (on Tuesday and Saturday). It reports all cards that have been issued as new cards or as replacements for lost or damaged cards. It also reports PIN order requests.


Column Heading


Household Number

This is the CIS household number where the person whom the card was issued for resides.


This is the sequence number of the card within the household (1-99).

Card Number

This is the card number of the card issued.

Exp Date

This is the expiration date of the card issued in MMYY format.  This is the new expiration date that the system calculated if the card is new or expiring.  If the card was issued as a replacement card, it is the current expiration date on the card.

Cards N1

This is the number of cards issued to the primary name on the card.  If preceded by an "R," the card was issued as a replacement for a lost or damaged card.

Cards N2

This is the number of cards issued to the secondary name on the card.  If preceded by an "R," the card was issued as a replacement for a lost or damaged card.


This is the 2-digit card type pulled from the Create Bank Card screen (CIS > Entity Maintenance Screen, then select Create Card). Refer to the screen help for this field for a list of valid types.


This is a yes ("Y") or no ("N") field indicating whether a new PIN was requested when the card was issued.  (NOTE: If your institution houses PIN offsets in the card management system, the offset is sent to the producer, but a "Y" in this column does not necessarily indicate that a new PIN will be sent to the cardholder.  Each card producer uses the value in this field differently.  Please refer to your card producer for details on how this field is used.)

Primary Account #

This is the deposit account number of the primary account (usually checking) tied to the card.

Secondary Account #

This is the deposit account number of the secondary account (usually savings) tied to the card.

Primary Name

This is the primary cardholder name (taken from CIS) associated with the card in the card management system.


This report may be sorted by household number, card number, primary account number, or primary name. The default sort is by card number.



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