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GOLDPhone Transaction Report (FPSDR117)

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GOLDPhone Transaction Report (FPSDR117)

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The GOLDPhone Transaction Report can be run for one month back from the run date (Misc Opts 1=Y), or one week back from the run date (Misc Opts 2=Y).



The GOLDPhone Transaction Report monitors GOLDPhone activity without using Report Writer. It reports the GOLDPhone log records from the GOLDPoint Systems Deposit System. This allows long-term storage by GOLDView. The standard report lists all activity since the previous run date.


For more information about GOLDPhone Transactions, please refer to Chapter 10, GOLDPhone, in the GOLDServices Manual in DocsOnWeb.


The report is capable of sorting by the following criteria:



Log Date


Function Call


Function Return


Account Number



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Input records: DM, VC


Setting Misc Opts 3 to "Y" will include the following totals:


Function Activity by Month subtotal

Number of GOLDPhone Banking Accounts total

Year-to-date Number of Calls by Month total


For a totals-only report, set the Total Only field to "Y."


The report can sort by the following criteria:


80: Log Date

81: Function Call

82: Function Return

83: Account Number


Report Column Information

See FPSDR117 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


Func Call

This is the GOLDPhone calling function. Some examples of calling functions are "1001," which means "Enter the payee number to pay," and "1003," which means "Enter the amount to pay." For a complete list of GOLDPhone messages, please refer to section 10.3.5, English Script, in the GOLDServices Manual in DocsOnWeb.

Func Rtrn

This is the GOLDPhone return code (0000=good, 8888=daily totals, all other numbers mean failure).


This is the date the GOLDPhone call was made.

Account Number 1

This is the account number of the transaction or "from" account for a transfer.

Account Number 2

This is the "to" account for a transfer.

Transaction Amount

This is the amount of the transfer. It reflects the number of calls for a daily total record.


This is the name of the calling party.


This is the phone number of the calling party.


This column displays what type of transaction was made. The following are available entries:

Live=transaction was made directly to live files.

Nite=transaction was simulated at night.

NTLV=Simulated transfer was done live again in the morning.

Inet Code

An "I" will be displayed in this column if the transaction or function took place on the Internet. The column will be blank if the transaction or function took place on GOLDPhone.


When the call attempt fails, messages are sometimes displayed by GOLDTeller System.



If a miscellaneous options is set, the GOLDPhone Transaction Report can display subtotals of function activity by month, number of GOLDPhone banking accounts total, and year-to-date number of calls by month total. See FPSDR117 Example for an example of this report.



Note: You must have an institution option set in order to run the Totals-only report. Contact GOLDPoint Systems for more information.

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