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Deposit Call Reports (FPSDR235)

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Deposit Call Reports (FPSDR235)

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This is a required regulatory report. It is generally processed at monthend in the afterhours but is required each quarter-end. It should not be processed at any other interval. A file can also be created and used in Call Reporting Software that your institution has purchased. GOLDPoint Systems has worked with the five Call Report vendors listed below. This report can only process using one setup on the same cycle.



The report is used to calculate the amounts to be sent to the Call Report forms. Amounts are calculated for the following FDIC Schedules:


Schedule RI – Income Statement

Schedule RC-C Part 1 – Loans and Lease Financing Receivables

Schedule RC-E – Deposit Liabilities

Schedule RC-G – Other Liabilities

Schedule RC-K – Quarterly Averages

Schedule RC-N – Past Due and Non-accrual Loans, Leases, and Other Assets

Schedule RC-O – Other Data for Deposit Insurance and FICO Assessments

Schedule RC – Balance Sheet


Third-party Vendors

GOLDPoint Systems has tested a download of the Call Report data to the vendors listed below and recommends that you use one of them for your reporting.


DBI Financial (Easy Call),

FIS Regulatory Reporting (Call Reporter Premier),

Jack Henry (Call Report Pro),

Fed Reporter (Smart Call),

SOFGEN Americas, Inc. (REG-Reporter),


This report must be processed in detail and put into the report warehouse only because it is a very large report. The summary is not a report; it is the copies of the actual Call Report Schedule and is always created when running the report. Subcategoriesmust be entered for accounts in order for them to be used in RC-E Part 1. All Sub-category 12 accounts (Repurchase Agreement) are excluded from this report. Preferred Deposits with Sub-category equal to 1 – Public Funds or 6 – State and Political Subdivision-US (DMSUB) can be excluded from the report if your institution chooses.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: The Subprog Ctrls Print must be set to “Y,” and the Totals Only should not be checked.


The Critical fields must be set “1” to “26” to total correctly.


The Sort Key field must be "80."


Set Misc Opts 1 to “Y” to exclude preferred deposits from the report (Sub Category field (DMSUBC) is equal to 1-Public Funds or 6-State and Political Subdivisions-U.S.) This report uses $250,000.00 as the limit.


Misc Opts 3 Download a report (defaults to Data Staging). Only set when using a third party for reporting.


Misc Opts 4 Use the alternate download format with Schedule name and line #s. This is helpful if you are doing your own reporting to locate where the lines are found on the Call Report.


Misc Opts 5 Send the download report to the FTP site. Clients who want to use this method must submit a work order for the setup.


Misc Opts 6 Mark forms as "test" (used while we tested programs, not for clients).


Record Layouts

The export file generated is a fixed-width character file with carriage returns and line feeds at the end of each entry. An expanded layout is available with additional information by setting Option 2 (Misc Opts 4 set to "Y").


Default Layout

Field Name




Expanded MDRM Number



This is the full FDIC MDRM number for the field (e.g., RCON2122).

FDIC Short Description



This is the FDIC short description of the MDRM field.

MDRM Field Value



This is the MDRM field amount. Dollar amounts are rounded to the nearest thousandth.


Expanded Layout

Field Name




Call Report Schedule



This is the Call Report schedule (e.g., RC- E, RC-O, RI).

Call Report Line Number



This is the line number that the data field appears on in the Call Report (e.g., 1.c.(2)(a)).

Expanded MDRM Number



This is the full FDIC MDRM number for the field (e.g., RCON2122).

FDIC Short Description



This is the FDIC short description of the MDRM field.

MDRM Field Value



This is the MDRM field amount. Dollar amounts are rounded to the nearest thousandth.



Note: The values for fields RCON6999 and RCON6862 on Schedule RC-C Part 2 can be blank, "yes," or "no." In the export file, a value of "0" is passed for "no," and a value of "1" is passed for "yes."


Call Report Forms (Totals)

Column Heading


FDIC schedule

This is the schedule title.

FDIC schedule line number

This is the line number for item on the schedule.

FDIC schedule description

This is the description of the item on the schedule.

FDIC field number

This is the FDIC assigned MDRM (Micro Data Reference Manual) number.

MDRM Value

Total value to be entered in the FDIC assigned field number.

Current Balance

Total of all account current balances included in this MDRM.

Accr Int

Total of all account accrued interest included in this MDRM.


Total of all account year-to-date interest included in this MDRM.


Detail Report Column Information

See Detail Report Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


FDIC schedule

This is the schedule title.

FDIC schedule line number

This is the line number for item on the schedule.

FDIC schedule description

This is the description of the item on the schedule.

FDIC field number

This is the FDIC assigned MDRM (Micro Data Reference Manual) number.

Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account included in this MDRM.

Genl Ctgy

This is the General Category (DMGENL) for the account included in this MDRM.

Sub Ctgy

This is the Sub Category (DMSUBC) for the account included in this MDRM.


A “Y” will be printed if the account included in this MDRM has a Certificate of deposit feature otherwise it will be ‘N’ for this account.


A “Y” will be printed if the account in this MDRM has a Retirement account feature otherwise it will be ‘N’ for this account.


A “Y” will be printed if the account in this MDRM has a Checking account feature otherwise it will be "N" for this account.


A "Y" will be printed in this column if the interest feature is set on this account.

Maturity Date

This is the maturity date of the account included in this MDRM, using theMaturity Date field (DMMTDT) on the Additional Fields screen.


This is the term and term type of the account in this MDRM,using theTerm/Type fields (DMTMTP and DMCTRM) on the Deposit Additional Fields screen. The term is the length of the term and the type defines the term with ‘M’ (months), “Y” (years) or ‘D’ (days).

Current Balance

This is the current balance of the account included in this MDRM

Accr Int

This is the total of the already accrued interest (DMACRI) and the interest calculated from the date last accrued through the date of the report for the account included in this MDRM.


This is the year-to-date interest minus the penalty amount of the account included in this MDRM, using the Year-To-Date Interest(DMIYTD) and the YTD penalty (DMYTDP) fields on the Deposit Interest Fields screen.


This is the amount of interest accrued through the prior year end. It is subtracted from the interest expense lines as required on the schedules. The field End of Year Accrued Interest (M2EYAI) is found on the Interest Fields screen in CIM GOLD.

MDRM Value

Total value to be entered in the FDIC assigned field number.

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