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Equifax Pre-Beacon Score Tape Report (FPSTEQFX)

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Equifax Pre-Beacon Score Tape Report (FPSTEQFX)

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The Equifax Pre-Beacon Tape Report is generated monthly to report name, address, and social security information placed on a tape for Equifax.


The information on the tape and the report are identical, except for the following differences: (1) The tape does not contain page header lines. (2) The report displays information on two lines (and therefore two records) per sequence number; whereas, the tape has one continuous record per sequence number. (3) The report contains totals and gives the tape identification number at the end of the report. The tape has no such information. (4) The sum of the record lengths for the two liens per sequence number in the report is only 243 bytes; whereas, the length of the single tape record per sequence number is 384 bytes. For these reasons, the report cannot be used in place of the tape to send information to Equifax.


All of the households in your institution are found on both the tape and the report, except for your institution’s household and those households with the following Social Security numbers: 000000000, 888888888, and 999999999. Also, if there is more than one name record in the institution having the same Social Security number, only the first record found will be recorded.


Beacon scores are based solely on the data available in a customer’s credit report. It is not a measure of income, assets or account information. Credit information looked at include the following: payment history, outstanding debt, credit history, inquiries and new account openings, types of credit in use, and average credit score. Credit scores are not based on race, religion, sex, marital status, or age. Occupation and the length of time at current residence are not considered.


Column Heading


Seq> #

This is the sequence number (MNTSEQ) of the record made on the tape.

Cust> ID

This is the first household number (MNHHLD) found for a Social Security number (or federal identification number) of the individual or organization recorded on the tape. (It is truncated to 8 digits.)

Last Name

This is the last name (MNLNAM) of the customer recorded.

First Name

This is the first name (MNGNAM) of the customer recorded.


This is the middle initial (NMMNAM) of the customer recorded.


This is the suffix (NMSFFX) to the name of the customer recorded.


This is the Social Security number (MNCSSN) (or federal identification number) of the customer recorded.

Street Address

This is the street address (NAADD1) of the customer recorded.


This is the city (NACITY) in which the street address is found.


This is the state abbreviation (NASTAT) in which the address and city are found.

ZIP Code

This is the ZIP code and ZIP + four (NAZIPC) of the recorded customer address.




The report records (and the tape records) are sorted by Social Security number only.


GOLDPoint Systems ONLY: When this report is set up, the Sort Key field must contain an 80, and the critical must be 1 to 4. No other sort options are available.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

The total number of name records found and the total number of records put on the tape will be recorded at the end of the report. If the tape records are less than the number of name records, the difference is the number of records for which a Social Security number (or federal identification number) has already been recorded.


The tape number will be printed on the line following the totals. This number identifies the tape that will be sent to Equifax.

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