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CD Rate and Term Schedule Report (FPSDR111)

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CD Rate and Term Schedule Report (FPSDR111)

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This report is normally run monthly in the afterhours. Consult your account executive if you want to schedule this report differently.



This report displays information found in function 51/52, CD Rate and Term Schedule, in the Deposit System (Application 4). Only those CD accounts for which a rate and term schedule has been set up will be reported. Detail lines show the following account information:


Account number

Customer short name

CD maturity date

The current period within the schedule that the account is in.


Together with this information is listed all individual period information for the rate and term schedule defined for the account. This includes the following for each period.


Period number within the schedule

Product code associated with the period

Interest rate associated with the period

Rate pointer associated with the period

Tier pointer associated with the period

Maturity term and type associated with the period

Y/N if account is matured at the period roll

Y/N if account receives a renew notice at the period roll

Y/N if account receives the high rate at the period roll

Effective date of the period roll.


The standard report (no misc parms or options) will list all CD accounts for which a rate and term schedule as been set up, together with all periods within the schedule. Other miscellaneous options and parameters will allow the following:


MISC OPT 1 = "Y"

Report the current period information only

MISC OPT 2 = "Y"

Report the next effective period in the schedule


Report all next effective periods within the next calendar year (monthly or quarterly run)


Report all next effective period within the next calendar month (monthly or weekly run)


Report all next effective period within the next calendar week (weekly or daily run)


Report all next effective period after the run date and up through the next run date (daily)


Special one-time runs may also be done using the following types of parameters:


MISC PARM = 1996

Report all next effective periods within the 1996 calendar year.

MISC PARM = 199512

Report all next effective periods within the calendar month of December 1995.

MISC PARM = 19970531

Report all next effective periods that fall on May 31, 1997.


Report Column Information

See the CD Rate and Term Schedule Report example.


General Account Information

Column Heading


Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account. Field lengths are controlled by institution options.

Short Name

This is the short name of the account owner. This information is taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

Maturity Date

This is the date on which the CD account will mature (DMMTDT).

Current Period

This is the current period within the rate and term schedule that the account is in (DMCPRD).


Individual Period Information

Column Heading



An "*" will be printed in this column next to the current period.


This is the period number of the period information printed on this row of the report (CSCPRD).

Prod Code

This is the product code associated with this period within the schedule (CSPDCD).


This is the interest rate associated with this period within the schedule (CSRATE).

Rate Pntr

This is the rate pointer associated with this period within the schedule (CSRPTR).

Tier Pntr

This is the tier pointer associated with this period within the schedule (CSTPTR).


This is the maturity term and type (M,D, or Y) associated with this period within the schedule (CSCTRM and CSTMTP).

New Mrty

This field will be "Y" (yes) or "N" (no) depending on whether the account is scheduled to mature on the effective date of this period.

Notc Only

This field will be "Y" (yes) or "N" (no) depending on whether the account is scheduled to receive a renewal notice on the effective date of this period.

High Rate

This field will be "Y" (yes) or "N" (no) depending on whether the account is scheduled to receive the high rate on the effective date of this period.

Effective Date

This column lists the effective date that the other period information is scheduled to be rolled to the account.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

All standard sort/subtotal options are available with this report. In addition, sort option 80 will allow all reports but the standard report to be sorted or subtotaled by the period effective date.


Totals provided are the number of accounts listed.

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