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Churn Report (FPSDR109)

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Churn Report (FPSDR109)

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This report is generally run weekly on Friday or Saturday, but can be run daily.



The Churn Report was designed to show information related to accounts that were opened and closed during a specified period (e.g., if run weekly, the report will show the week prior to the run date). This report shows the ratio of closed accounts to opened accounts, and the ratio of closing balance to opening balance.


Detail lines show the following information.


Account Number

Short Name

Household Number

Social Security Number

ZIP Code

Opening/Closing Balance

Product Code

Interest Rate

Date Opened

Date Closed

Closed to Open Account Ratio

Closed to Open Balance Ratio


This report sorts by opened accounts within an office and then closed accounts within an office. Institution totals are provided at the end of the report.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR109 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit for the account.

Short Name

This is the IRS owner's short name on the account. It is taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

Household Number

This is the account owner's household number. It is taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).

Social Sec

This is the account owner's tax ID number taken from the CIF System (MNCSSN). This is formatted as either the social security number or tax ID number.

ZIP Code

This is the ZIP Code for the address (NAZIPC).

Opening/Closing Balance

The opening balance is pulled from DMOPBL. The closing balance is pulled from DLMNAM.

Prod Code

This is the product code used for this account. It is taken from theProduct Code field (DMPDCD) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Interest Rate

This is the interest rate used on this account if the interest feature is turned on. This is taken from the Interest Rate field (DMRATE) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (functions 1/2 and 9/10).

Date Opened

This is the date the account was opened (DMSTOP).

Date Closed

This is the date the account was closed (DMDTCL).


Totals Provided

The following totals are provided at each sub-total break and at institution totals:


accounts closed in period

accounts opened in period

closed to open accts ratio

total closing balance

total opening balance

closed to open balance ratio


The Closed to Open Accts Ratio is calculated by dividing the number of closed accounts by the number of opened accounts. The Closed to Open Balance Ratio is calculated by dividing the closing balance amount by the opening balance amount.

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