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Trial Balance - Detail (FPSDR058)

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Trial Balance - Detail (FPSDR058)

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This report is generally run at monthend in the afterhours with history for the month. It can also be seen daily or at other times of the month. Contact your GOLDPoint Systems deposit banking consultant about scheduling this report.



This report displays basic account information. It is generally used by an institution to check balances on accounts when the GOLDPoint Systems host system is not available. The Trial Balance may be run with or without history. In either case, several lines of information are printed for each account (see "Account Information Section" below). This includes the account number, short name, product code, and balance. This report will include all accounts that have any accrued interest in the Accrued to Next Run Date total, even if the interest feature has been removed.


If history is selected, the history items follow the account data and are displayed in date and time order (see "History Information Section" below). Only monetary history items are displayed on this report.



Note: The history prints according to the history stored on the account level options (DMHSTS and DMHSTT). Checking account history is normally stored for three months; when this report is run, three months of history will be available to print.


The standard sort parameters control which accounts are pulled and how they are sorted and subtotaled. Some of the standard sorts are product code, account type, general category, etc. Additionally, this report can include closed accounts, or you can choose to not include closed accounts. You can also choose to include closed accounts only from a certain date range. Your GOLDPoint Systems client solutions specialist can help you set up these options.


This report can be set up to accrue interest through monthend (to the first day of the next month), or it can be set up to accrue through a specified date.



GOLDPoint Systems Only:

If Miscellaneous Parameter = next day, interest will be accrued to next run date.

If Miscellaneous Parameter = today, interest will accrue through the run date.

If Miscellaneous Parameter = blank, interest will accrue to the first day of the next month.

If Miscellaneous Option 1 = "Y," exclude closed accounts. This option excludes accounts where DMCLSD=Y.

If Miscellaneous Option 2 = "Y," exclude accounts that do not have the interest feature. This option excludes accounts where DMDFIN=N.


In order to include closed accounts, you must set up Miscellaneous Option 3 to “Y.” Additionally, you must set the dates from which you want closed accounts included in the 8th and 15th of the Miscellaneous Parameter field. The report will then pull accounts with a closed date (DMDTCL) greater than or equal to the “from date” (position 8 of the Miscellaneous Parameter field). If the “from date” is left blank but the “to date” (position 15 of the Miscellaneous Parameter field) has a date, the program will pull all closed accounts that have a closed date less than or equal to the “to date.” If the Miscellaneous Parameter does not have a date in either position 5 or position 8, the report will have zero closed accounts.


For example, if this institution wants to include closed accounts from June to September of this year, you would:


1.Set Miscellaneous Option 3 to “Y” (or a checked box if setting this up in CIM GOLD > GOLDPoint Systems > Report Setups > Deposit Reports).

2.Starting in position 8 of the Miscellaneous Parameter field, enter the date to start with in CCYYMMDD format: 20150601. (June 1, 2015)

3.Starting in position 15 of the Miscellaneous Parameter field, enter the date to end with in CCYYMMDD format: 20150930. (September 30, 2015) See example below.




DZ must be set up as an input record in order to print history on this report.


See FPSDR058 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

IRS Owner Name

This is the IRS owner's name taken from the CIF system.

Household Number

This is the household number in which this account resides taken from the Customer Relationship Management > Households screen (NDSEIN).

Name Seq

This is the name sequence number of the IRS owner of this account taken from the Customer Relationship Management > Households screen (NDNSEQ).

Product Code

This is the product code for the account. It is taken from the Product Codefield (PCPDCD) that is displayed at the top of each screen in the Deposit system, as shown below:




Product codes are set up and defined on the Deposits > Definitions > Product Codes screen. Once set up, they are assigned when accounts are opened through Platform.

Interest Rate

This is the interest rate taken from the Interest Rate field (DMRATE) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Features/Options tab, if this account is an interest-bearing account.

Accrued To Next Run Date

This figure is calculated by accruing from the date last accrued to the next run date and adding the result to the accrued interest amount on the Deposits > Account Information > Interest Fields screen.  When running the report for a date in the past, if the date last accrued is past the report date, the accrual calculation will give a negative result.  The resulting amount may be positive or negative when added to the accrued interest amount.


If you are processing the report at monthend, the Accrued to Next Run Date is actually the amount calculated to the first day of the next month.


This is the current balance of the account taken from the Current Balance field (DMCRBL) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Account Information tab.

Account Features

These are the feature codes selected for this account, such as IN for interest, CK for checking, RT for retirement, etc.

Hold/Action Codes

These are the hold/action codes taken from the Code column (DMHACC) on the Deposits > Account Information > Restrictions & Warnings screen >Restriction/Action Codes tab. Twelve codes are possible on each account.

Uncollected Funds

This is the uncollected funds amount, taken from the Uncollected Funds field on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Account Information tab. It represents the total of the amounts on the uncollected funds records for this account.

Account Type

This is the account type, taken from the Account Type field (DMDPTP) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Account Information tab.

Payable Balance

The payable balance is calculated by:


- DMCRBL     account balance

- DMMNBL    minimum balance limit

- DMUFCH     total uncollected funds

- DMOCAM    total over-the-counter holds

- DMMHAM   any unexpired monetary holds


This amount does not consider any overdraft or line-of-credit accounts associated with this account.

General Category

This is the general category, taken from the General Category field (DMGENL) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Account Information tab.

Last Activity Date/Type

This is the last activity date and type, taken from the Last Active (DMDTLA) and Last Activity Type (DMTPLA) fields on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Activity Information screen > Deposit Activity tab.

—T-D Deposits

This is the month-to-date deposit amount, taken from the Month-to-Date Deposits field (DMMDDP) on the Deposits > Account Information > Activity Information screen > Deposit Activity tab.

Statement Cycle

This is the statement cycle, taken from the Statement Cycle field (DMSCYC) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen.

Maturity Date

This is the maturity date, taken from the Maturity Date field (DMMTDT) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen. The maturity date will only appear on the report for accounts that have the CD (certificate) feature selected.

—T-D Withdrawals

This is the month-to-date withdrawal amount, taken from the Month-to-Date Withdrawals field (DMMDWD) on the Deposits > Account Information > Activity Information screen > Deposit Activity tab.


This is the current status of the account (i.e., open, closed, inactive, dormant, drop).  Unopened accounts are skipped by this program. Only accounts with a closed status are considered in the total of closed accounts. Accounts with any other status are considered open accounts.

IRS Owner Social Security Number

This is the IRS owner’s Social Security number taken from the CIF system.

Certificate Term/Type

This is the certificate term and type, taken from the Term/Type field (DMCTRM and DMTMTP) on the Deposits > Account Information > Account Information screen > Features/Options tab. They will only appear on the report for accounts that have the CD (certificate) feature selected.

—T-D Int Credits

This is the month-to-date interest credits, taken from the Month-to-Date Interest field (DMMDIN) on the Deposits > Account Information > Activity Information screen > Deposit Activity tab.


History Information Section

See FPSDR058 Example for an example of this report.





This is the date of the transaction (DZTRND), taken from the deposit history record.


This is the time of the transaction (DZTIME), taken from the deposit history record.


This is the transaction code (DZTCOD), taken from the deposit history record.


This is the transaction modifier (DZTMOD), taken from the deposit history record.


This is the transaction origination code (DZTORC), taken from the deposit history record.


The system selects the description for the transaction by using the first of these available options:


1.   Using a teller-entered description for the transaction

2.   Using the transaction description override entered by the institution

3.   Using the system default description


The transaction description (DZTDES) comes from the deposit history record.


This is the teller or employee number (DZEMPX), taken from the deposit history record.


This is the transaction amount (DZTRAM), taken from the deposit history record.  The amount carries no positive or negative sign in the history record.  The sign is calculated using a debit indicator and a correction indicator on the history record.


This is the account balance for the account after the transaction occurred.  This is stored in the file maintenance section of the monetary transaction log.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Institutions may select subtotals for each branch, product within a branch, branch within a product, etc. Check with your customer service representative if specific subtotals are desired.


Institution totals are provided at the end of the report.

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