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Rate Tracking Report (FPSDR082)

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Rate Tracking Report (FPSDR082)

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This report is run daily in the afterhours. Consult your customer service representative if you want to schedule this report differently.



The Deposit Rate Tracking Report shows all accounts that have had some activity that has changed the interest rate on the account:


1. File maintenance to the interest fields

- Rate field (DMRATE)

- Rate Offset field (DMROFF)

- Bonus Rate field (DMBNRT)

2. New Accounts

3. Mature, roll, or renew transactions


Report Column Information

See FPSDR082 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the transaction.

Short Name

This is the IRS owner's short name on the account taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).


This is the account owner's household number taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).

Current Balance

This is the account's current balance, taken from the Current Balancefield (DMCRBL) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Prod Code

This is the product code used for this account, taken from the Product Code field (DMPDCD) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Term Type

This is the term type of the account, taken from the Term fields (DMTMTP and DMCTRM) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Empl Numb

This is the teller ID number of the employee who performed the last rate change on the account.

Int Rate

This is the interest rate used on this account if the interest feature is turned on.  This is taken from the Int Rate field (DMRATE) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Rate Offset

This is the rate offset or margin used when calculating a new interest rate.  It may be a positive or negative value.  When a value for the new interest rate is calculated, this field is added to it to come up with the new interest rate.  This is taken from the Rate Offset field (DMROFF) on the Deposit Interest Fields screen (function 9/10). You may request on option that, when set by GOLDPoint Systems, would cause the report to show only accounts with a rate offset.

Date Opened

This is the date the account was opened (DMDTOP).

Last Maturity

This is the last date the account matured, rolled, or renewed. If this is blank, the account is either a certificate in the first term or it is a noncertificate account (DMLMRD).


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Totals are provided by office number for the total number of accounts and account balances.

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