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CIF Name Cleanup Report (FPSDR107)

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CIF Name Cleanup Report (FPSDR107)

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This report can be run monthly or quarterly in the afterhours.



The CIF Name Cleanup Report aids in cleaning up CIF files. It can be sorted in a variety of ways to indicate duplications of names.


This report can be sorted by:


Social Security number


Short name




Office number



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Misc option 1 = Only duplicate names appear on report


Sub-program controls print = Y


Critical from 1 to 4


Report Column Information

See FPSDR107 Example for an example of this report.


Column Heading


Household Number

This column displays the household number of the short name shown (NDSEIN).


This column displays the sequence number of the short name shown (NDASEQ).

Short Name

This column displays the short name created in the CIF System.

Name Type

This column displays the name type related to the short name shown (NDCTYP).


This column displays the social security number associated with the short name shown (NDCSSN).

Birth date

This column displays the birth date associated with the short name shown.

Mothers Maiden Name

This column displays the mother's maiden name of the person whose short name is shown (NDMAID).

Formatted Name

This column displays the formatted name of the person whose short name is shown.

Ignore Merge?

This column displays a "Y" (yes) or an "N" (no).  A "Y" or "N" determines if a name can be merged during the CIF cleanup.

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