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TORC Report (FPSDR078)

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TORC Report (FPSDR078)

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This report can be run daily in the afterhours.



The TORC Report checks all opened accounts for tranlog records with a non zero TORC (Transaction Origination Code). Each occurrence is printed on the report. Closed and unopened accounts are not used, nor are tranlogs with no TORC or a TORC of “000.”


The information found on this report includes:


Account Number

Transaction Origination Code (TORC)

Transaction Code

Teller Identification Number

Transaction Amount

Transaction Date

Date And Type of Last Activity

TORC Description


The report is sorted numerically in Transaction Origination Code (TORC) order.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR078 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.


This is the transaction origination code associated with this transaction.  Non-zero transactions are not printed.

Tran Code & MD

This is the transaction code used to run this transaction.  If a modifier was used, it is also displayed in this column as TTTT MM, where T is the tran code and M is the modifier.

Teller ID

This is the teller ID number of the employee who performed this transaction.

Transaction Amount

This is the amount of the transaction.

Date Lst Tran

This is the date on which the transaction occurred.

Date/Type Last Activity

This is the date and type code of the last activity on this account.

TORC Description

This is the description of the transaction origination code.  This is displayed only once for each TORC listed on the report, although many transactions may be listed for each TORC on the report.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are provided by TORC for the total number of accounts read, the total number of accounts with TORCs, and the TORC transaction amount totals found on the report.


At the end of the report, institution totals are provided.

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