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General Ledger Clearing Account Balancing Report (FPSDR075)

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General Ledger Clearing Account Balancing Report (FPSDR075)

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This report should be run daily in the afterhours.



The General Ledger Clearing Account Balancing Report helps in the balancing process by showing those transactions that post to specific General Ledger clearing accounts. The institution option CLRG allows for up to 15 clearing accounts to be entered. You can include an additional 15 clearing accounts on this report by using institution option CLR2. The entries in CLRG and CLR2 can be up to 12 digits long, as that is the largest value for any one General Ledger account subfield. During the autopost process, this table of clearing accounts is searched to see if some of the money in the transaction is posting to one of the clearing accounts. If there is a match, the transaction is shown on this report. An additional report can also be processed by branch.


The standard sort is by the value of subfield three and subfield two in the General Ledger account number, and then by the entire General Ledger account number. Critical fields 1 to 16 will then cause the report to subtotal at each change in the value of subfield three and two. The user-defined sort fields and totaling values are:


80 subfield three in the General Ledger account number (value of 6)

81 subfield two in the General Ledger account number (value of 6)

82 entire General Ledger account number (value of 17)

83 reference number of the transaction (value of 4)

84 funds type of the amount (BL-balance, CS-cash, CK-check, JN-journal) (value of 2)

85 employee number (value of 5)

86 transaction amount (value of 6)

87 subfield four in the General Ledger account number (value of 6)


These sort fields allow the user to change the standard report sort and subtotaling.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: The left-most Misc Opt (number 1 of 16) is a new option on the report setup. A "Y" (yes) in this position sets the suppression of the page break.


This report can be run by branch. NOTE: In addition to the regular report, another report setup is required to run the report by branch.


To run the report by branch, Sort Key Fields Order must be “80,” “81,” and “85” with criticals “1” to “10.” If you would like to have subtotals by account (subfield 2 of the General Ledger), the criticals must be “1” to “16.” If you want subtotals per employee, the criticals must be “1” to “26.”


Report Column Information




Account Number

This is the account number that this transaction is resolved to in General Ledger.

$$ TP

This is the funds type which tells whether the amounts being posted comes from the balance (BL), cash (CS), check (CK), or journal (JN).

Emp/Teller Number

This is the number of the employee or teller who performed the transaction.

Ref Number

This is entered by the teller at the time of the transaction. It is passed through to the reference number field on the General Ledger transaction item.

Tran Code

This is the transaction code for this transaction.

Tr Md

This is the transaction modifier for this transaction.

Orig Br

This is the number of the originating branch where this transaction was run.

Transaction Description

This is entered by the teller doing the transaction, or it is from an institution or system default.

Transaction Amount

This is the amount of the transaction. It is followed by a minus sign if the amount is a credit or a blank if the amount is a debit.

Customer Account Number

This is the number of the account on which this transaction was run. It includes the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG).

Amount Out Of Balance

This is the total of the debits and credits at the total level. This amount does not print if it is a zero amount. It only appears on the total lines. If the user wants to balance by journal number, the reference number should be selected in the sort and subtotal fields.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals of debits and credits are provided by General Ledger account number. Institution totals are the total of all debits and credits on the report.

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