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Closed Account Journal (FPSDR052)

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Closed Account Journal (FPSDR052)

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This report is generally printed weekly, but it can also be run monthly. Consult your GOLDPoint Systems banking consultant about how you want to schedule this report.



The Closed Account Journal gives a list of all accounts closed during the run period. For example, if it is run weekly, it will show all accounts closed in the last week.


The following information is provided on the report:


Account number

Short name of account owner

CIF household number

Product code

Date closed

Teller number of the employee who closed the account (DMCTLR)

Closing balance

Interest rate

Maturity term, type, and maturity date for certificates

Reason for closure (DMCRSN)

The full name of the IRS account owner (MNFMXI: optional)


The Closed Account Journal is limited to 100 product codes. If an institution has more than 100 different product codes with closed accounts during a given week, the line "PROD CODE TABLE FULL - PLEASE NOTIFY FPS" will appear at the beginning of the report. One hundred was chosen as a size that should be able to accommodate most institutions, but would still keep the program size within acceptable limits. If your institution uses more than 100 product codes to be handled on the report, please contact your GOLDPoint Systems banking consultant.



GOLDPoint Systems Only: Miscellaneous options used with this report:


None = List all accounts closed in the past week

Misc Opt 1 = List all accounts closed in the current month

Misc Opt 2 = List all accounts closed in the previous month

Misc Opt 3 = List all accounts closed in the year-to-date

Misc Opt 4 = List all accounts closed in the previous year

Misc Opt 5 = List all accounts closed on the run date only

Misc Opt 6 = Date of last customer withdrawal will be reported, rather than maturity date

Misc Opt 7 = Include a second line displaying the full name of the IRS account owner.


If more than one of the first four options are set at the same time, the program selects accounts to report based upon the left-most option set. Options set outside of the first four options are ignored. If the date opened (DMDTOP) falls within the cycle window, then the account will be reported.


Report Column Information

See FPSDR052 Example for an example of this report.




Account Number

This is the office number (DMACTO), account number (DMACTA), and check digit (DMCKDG) for the account.

Short Name

This is the IRS owner's short name on the account, taken from the CIF System (SHNAME).

Household Number

This is the household number in which this account resides, taken from the CIF System (MNHHLD).

Prod Code

This is the product code used for this account, taken from the Product Code field (DMPDCD) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Date Closed

This is the date the account was closed for each account listed during the report period. This is taken from the Date Closed field (DMDTCL) on the Account Activity Fields screen (function 35/36).

Teller ID

This is the teller number of the employee who performed the closing transaction on this account (DMCTLR).

Last Cust Withdrawal

This is the amount of the last withdrawal made by the customer before the account was closed.  It is taken from the Last Withdraw Amountfield (DMLWAM) on the Account Activity Fields screen (function 35/36).


This is the interest rate used on this account if the interest feature is turned on.  This information is taken from the Interest Rate field (DMRATE) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).


This is the maturity term and type for this account if the certificate feature was turned on.  This information is taken from the Term fields (DMTMTP and DMCTRM) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

Maturity Date or Date Last Cust W/D

This is the maturity date for this account, if the certificate feature was turned on.  This information is taken from the Maturity Date field (DMMTDT) on the Deposit Master Fields screen (function 1/2).

If Misc Opt 6 is set to “Y,” then Date Last Cust W/D (date last customer withdrawal) amount will be used. This is taken from the last withdraw field (DMDTLW) on the Account Activity Fields screen (function 35/36).

Reason for Closure

If a description is entered by the teller when the closing transaction is processed, the first 15 characters of that description will appear in this column. If no description is entered, “-*-” will appear in this column (DMCRSN).

Full Name

If Misc Opt 7 is turned on, the full name of the IRS account owner (MNFMXI) will be shown on line 2.


Totals and Subtotals Provided

Subtotals are provided by branch, giving the total number of accounts closed in the branch and the total dollar amount of the closing balances.


After all detail and subtotal lines are printed, subtotals are given by product code. The detail lines under institution product code summary give product code, total number of accounts within the product code, total closing balance within the product code, and the average account closing balance per product code. The formula used to obtain the average is:


Total closing balance in product code / Total number of accounts in product code


Institution totals are provided at the end of the report. The detail line in this area gives the total number of all closed accounts, the total closing balances of all accounts, and the average account closing balance of all accounts. The formula used to obtain the average is:


Total closing balance of all accounts / Total number of all closed accounts

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